Raw Goes Old School

Welcome to another end of the work week edition of the Daily Slam! The WWE is at the beginning of the WrestleMania long hall. After this Sunday there is only 3 pay per views until the grand daddy of them all. Things will sure to be heating up in the next couple of months before the 'E heads to Atlanta. While we still have some time til then, this week the WWE held the first ever Old School Raw. The Nexus tag team got #1 contenders, Daniel Bryan faced Jack Swagger with some good ol' commentary, and Piper's Pit had some main event guests. All this and much more so let's get started...

The inevitable happened on Raw. The Hart Dynasty finally came to a crashing halt. Tyson Kidd turned on his best friends and looks to be going after that heel image. This is a bad bad move to split one of the few legit tag teams but I like Kidd being the heel coming out of this for now. Remember that when they started together, they were a heel team. I'm curious to see how these two do in single form.

Speaking of tag teams, Vladimir Koslov and Santino beat the Usos to become the new #1 contenders for the tag titles this Sunday at Survivor Series against Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. With such a small list of possible opponents for the current champs, I don't mind the goofy team of Vlad/Santino getting a shot. I don't see the Nexus duo losing but winning might be because of some outside interference.

The match of the night on Raw was Swagger vs Bryan. Then you throw Jim Ross on the commentary and it's the greatest thing possible on free tv. It was a good back and forth match with Daniel Bryan winning with a brutal kick to Jack's head. I hope these two are on the same show in the very near future because more matches between them will show how good technical wrestling can be.

Divas Break...

Piper's Pit was featured at the end of Raw and had some great dynamics. Rowdy Roddy Piper made the main event for Survivor Series look more important than the creative team has for the past three weeks. Piper told Cena that by him handing Barrett the belt, it's like a slap in the face to all the older wrestlers who never held the prestigious WWE Championship. All the dynamics between Piper, Orton, Cena, and Barrett made the Survivor Series ppv sound worth the money alone. At the end of the segment, Orton gave Cena an RKO but was hit but John's Attitude Adjustment following. Cena then gave Barrett one as well to end the show. What will Cena end up doing as the guest referee this Sunday?

In some TNA Wrestling news, Eric Young has signed a new contract with the company which is a wise choice on TNA's part. He may not be main event level yet but when you have a roster full of old timers, his time to shine is inevitable. Lacey Von Erich has asked for her release from the company which makes me sad. One of the hottest knockouts apparently wasn't too happy with her progress and wants to try other venues. Also, last night on Impact current TNA Champ Jeff Hardy defeated Raven which means he is now fired from the company. I am really starting to enjoy Jeff's new heel gimmick and I'm a little disappointed that the 'E didn't try this out.

Until Next Time...

I'm Just Sayin!


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