Divas Championship 2 on 1 Handicap Match; Natalya(c) vs Michelle McCool
After a great title defence against Melina on Monday, Naughty Nattie must defend her title against two wrestlers at once. While I expect her to put up a courageous effort the numbers game will catch up with her. Lucky I can see tension between Laycool and Beth phoenix make the save and then unluckily for Natalya send a message kicking off her own road to Wrestlemania.
Winner: The Queen of Hearts
WWE Championship Match: The Miz (c) vs Randy Orton
This is put up or shut up time for the Miz. He needs to win this match to prove he belongs, but he needs to do it against the must on performer in the WWE right now. This is an exciting match because you have two of the best superstars in the WWE right but I can't really tell who will win. I don't think they'll want to pull the belt off of the Miz but if they want oh with momentum. I can't tell who will win because I don't think they want to take the belt off of Miz yet but if they want Orton to go into Mania the champion now i the time to put it on him.
Winner: The Miz
World HeavyWeight Championship Match: Edge (c) vs Dolph
The rumble has traditionally been the place to put on title match's where there is little chance for a title change, Hardcore Holly anyone. I think that's the case here. However, this is the opportunity for Dolph Ziggler to prove he belongs in the main event. Dolph dose seem to have one major advantage Vicky Guerrero who has taken away Edge's favorite weapon the spear. Wither that's a bad thing though remains to be seen because Edge's spear isn't exactly the most intimidating or impressive finisher in the WWE and making him get a new one might not be the best idea. I'm just saying. I wish this feud had more build because I think it could produced some awesome promos between Edge, Ziggler, and their lady in common.
winner: Edge
The Royal Rumble
The big match itself, the biggest one yet. This year's rumble has a lot going for it. For the first time there will be more than 30 participants meaning every single wrestler now has to worry about 10 more competitors but it also means there's more glory. Also this a is a big year for fans of faction warfare, like myself, as you'll have not only the new nexus but the old one, now The Corre, going at it. I can't remember another Rumble with two opposing factions in it and it'll add a great dynamic.
One last thing to keep in mind, this last year the WWE is looking for new stars and the Rumble is the best way to make them. Winning the Rumble automatically makes you a main eventer which is why I think someone new will win it. Not only do I think someone new will win but it's very possible the winner can come out of no where which means this year more than any other any one can win. Another thing I suspect is that the winner will be a face.
Here's a look at superstars I think will make an impact.
John Cena - Like it or not Cena is the WWE's top dog and as such always a smart pick. I could see Cena being the one to face the Miz at mania especially if the Miz is still champion.
Christian - Not sure if he's ready to make a return, but if he is would make a great winner especially if Edge retains the title.
Alberto Del Rio - A rookie but a rookie on a roll. He has a lot of momentum and management likes him could easily win.
John Morrison - Has been on a role lately with his feud with Sheamus and great match with The Miz.
Wade Barrett - Already at a main event level without winning any titles. Winning the Rumble would just make it official. Really, any member of the Corre stands a good chance.
CM Punk - I feel he should have won last year, but this year works too. Especially, with Nexus watching his back.
Sheamus - Big guy. Prefect for this kinds of match's. Came into 2010 world champ, won it again then won King of the Ring. This could very well be his match to loose.
The Big Show - Bigger guy. Getting quite a bit of main stream love. Big Show vs Miz could be fun.
Rey Mysterio - Not a big guy, but is a former winner and in historic fashion.
Kane - 13 consecutive rumbles. The record for most people eliminated a single Rumble. The most dominate wrestler of the year. Kane vs Orton at Mania doesn't sound so bad.
Jack Swagger - Surprised us with MITB last year and a title run. Also the only competitor with a mascot.
Returning Superstars - HHH, Undertaker and Chrisitan are all guys who could return this Sunday. 2 of those guys won a rumble returning from injury all ready. Both could easily main event Wrestlemania against any one. Booker T has been rumored to return. Kevin Nash has tweeted his desire. HBK might be feeling the itch. Not sure of Khali's situation or if he would want another piece of phoenix. Y2J might want a rematch with Edge from last year's mania so he could return. Batista has his MMA debut coming up in a few months but I'm sure he'd make a detour.
Like I said, big Rumble this year. Lot's of possibilities, but your winner is... Christian.
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