All Hail The King

The Daily Slam 12.03.2010

Sheamus is the King, the Viper is a no show, Cena doesn't need a job, a recent WWE release and much more.

Roll the openning banner...

The WWE put on one hell of a jam packed 3 hour Raw this past Monday. The biggest thing was the return of King of the Ring tournament. I had originally predicted Del Rio or Morrison to win but I'm okay with Sheamus. No one should be surprised that Triple H's golden boy walked away victories. The only thing I have a grife with is that there was a double count-out which resulted in an automatic finale spot for Sheamus. Logically how does Morrison stack up against a past WWE Champion who only had to wrestle one match when John won two hard fought bouts earlier in the night. Good tournament overall in which I wouldn't be surprised to see it return next year around the same time. "I'm King, Fella!"

For the second week in a row, the WWE Championship was on the line. No Randy Orton didn't ask for a rematch (in which he is entitled to) because he was not at Raw. Apparently the Viper is having some neck problems and had an MRI on it during the week. This is terrible timing for him to be banged up since he needs to help elevate the Miz into a top main eventer. On the other hand, Jerry "the King" Lawler was ready dust off his boots and step into the ring with the new Champ. Jerry was awarded his first ever Championship & TLC match. Even though Lawler is up there in age, those two put on one hell of a story. Alex Riley and Michael Cole getting involved in the bout made the match even more incredible and showed that the Miz is champ that can be beaten by anyone. It should be interesting to see how the Miz keeps his title for the upcoming months.

John Cena had a busy night on Raw even though he is no longer on the payroll. First he took out McGillicutty backstage then had no problem hopping over the wall and taking out Heath Slater. Lastly, him and his band of brothers beat down the other members of Nexus in the back. He successfully gave Justin Gabriel an Attitude Adjustment on to the hood of a car. I think that creative is dropping the ball a little bit on this whole angle. Cena should have been held off of tv for a couple of weeks and had a mystery person taking out Nexus members backstage. I miss Nexus being a powerful faction cause now it's all focused around Cena and has become boring.

Diva Break...

Yesterday brought some sad news from Titan Towers as the Ballin' One was given his walking papers. Yes the man known as MVP was released and wishes him the best in all future endeavors. I wouldn't get too upset about it though because he asked for this. Mr. Porter hasn't been too happy with his direction in the company and asked for a release. I can't imagine there are any hard feeling on either side. I am sure we will see MVP on tv shortly as he is one of the most underused wrestlers for the past 5 years. I can see him in TNA and would be an incredible addition to their roster. He is a true inspiration to anyone who is given a second chance in life and follows their dreams. "Ballin!!!"

The show Tough Enough will be returning some time in 2011 but until then another season of NXT has been cast. The only person I recognize right away is Byron Saxton who has done some broadcasting for the WWE/ECW brand. The pros are the most interesting group. Ziggler, Bryan, Masters, DiBiase, Truth, and Del Rio. Not sure why Del Rio is a pro since he is still fresh to the WWE but it should be interesting to see the interaction between all the pros in this season. I'd also like to congratulate Kaitlyn on winning the NXT Diva version. That is her above... you're welcome.

Finally, I switched over the Superstars last night and witnessed a great show of wresling talent. The main event was David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd. These two put on probably the best free tv match I have seen in awhile. The crowd seemed really into it as well which really put it over the top. I know these two have been around each other for years and years so it's expected that their chemistry would spill onto the mat. I could watch these two square off for a good 10 minutes every week.

Thanks for reading and as always...


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