Slammy Award Shockers

The Daily Slam 12.17.10

WWE finishes it's ppv card for Sunday, Cena is re-hired, Orton faced a former WCW Champion, the winners and losers of the Slammy awards and much more.

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Let's start of the today's Slam with a recap of the Slammy Awards from Monday. Sometimes these 3 hour shows can drag on but surprisingly Raw went fairly smooth for an awards show. To be honest, Cena doesn't deserve the Superstar of the Year award but that was fan voted so it comes as no shocker. The biggest disappointed was Pee Wee Herman winning the Guest Star Shinning Moment. William Shatner was the talk of the town after his appearance on Raw when he sang the entrance songs. It was epic on so many levels in my opinion.

Other rememorable wins were CM Punks winning the Despicable Me Slammy which allowed him to showcase more of his incredible promo skills. It appears that he will have a ready made feud once he fully recovers some time soon. Then the angry Miz girl winning the Reaction of the Year Slammy. Miz stealing the trophy from her was hilarious. I'm sure she actually had a great time backstage talking to all her heroes and I bet the Miz told her he really is a nice guy (just not to tell anyone).

Wade Barrett was practically forced to rehire his arch-nemisis, John "Superman" Cena, or he would face the possibility of being thrown out of Nexus. Not everyone was happy with the outcome of this decision since he threw David Otunga under the bus by placing him in a match with Cena. The "A-List" was dominated and humiliated since the Nexus members didn't even stand by to watch his match. This whole situation is beginning to drag out to much and get confusing. Barrett is the leader and shouldn't be pushed into decisions. I'm sure there are other low card wrestlers wanting a shot in Nexus if the current members refuse to take orders from Barrett.  Also, I am a fan of what Nexus represents but this feud with just one man in the company is getting old and drawn out. It was more enjoyable when it was Nexus vs the Raw locker room. Creative needs a reboot on this angle.

Mr Cena getting his job back wasn't the shocker of the night though. The appearance by one former WCW Champion, David Arquette, was not only unexpected but comical. He gets thrown into a match alongside A-Ry to face off against Randy Orton. I applaud nonathletic hollywood pawns who dare step into the ring with wrestlers who are on top of their game. You may call it fake all you want but having a man power bomb you through a table from 6 feet up in the air can't feel like a tickle from a goose feather. I bet the detective from Scream felt a little soreness in his back the next morning from that move. I must admit, I am a little jealous.

Diva Break...

Other notable notes from Raw was the one and only Dashing Cody Rhodes getting a clean pin-fall over Mark Henry. This might not mean much to most people but remember that Henry is a former ECW Champion (it still counts in my book) and a big freaking specimen. I'm glad to see that Rhodes is silencing his critics who thought DiBiase was the better wrestler from Priceless. I credit his performance due to him being so damn.... Dashing. There was supposed to be a rubber match (that means 3rd times a charm) featuring John Morrison and Sheamus. These two apparently hate each other so much that the match had to be moved to the TLC ppv. The match was made into a #1 Contenders ladders match. This bout alone could steal the whole show and I bet it will. Could this finally be the push Morrison needs? Will we have Miz vs Morrison at Royal Rumble? Will Skipper and Gilligan ever get off that damn island? So many questions will be answered soon enough.

Let's move on to the B-Show (if B means Better than I mostly agree). The World HeavyWeight Championship match at TLC has been changed to a fatal four way and will feature Kane vs Edge vs Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio. At first I opposed this idea but looking at the TLC card, it has become a little too congested. By moving the Del Rio/Mysterio match into the main event it allows for a much better bout since it features some high risk takers. Let's face it, Edge always performs well in TLC matches so now you throw Rey Rey into the mix and I'm sure Del Rio will hit some high spots. Should be a brutal match to watch and I for one will rent the dvd when it comes out for this match. The Edge/Kane feud has become a little soggy in my opinion but only because it shows Kane as being too weak. Now with Paul Bearer out of the picture maybe he will return to kicking some major ass.

That is all for this week and be sure to check out my WWE TLC pay per view predictions.
"And I Quote..."


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