Rookie Mistake

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This week's episode of Raw had what should have been an epic #1 contenders match for the Royal Rumble. Unfortunately, the match was a dud. It had all the perfect elements; Orton vs two of his most recent rivals, Cena and Kingston. Watching Kofi try to take control seemed so awkward. Even though most people are tired of seeing the same Cena/Orton matches, but at least they put on decent matches.

Nearing the end of the match Legacy gets somewhat involved. Rhodes takes out Cena with the stairs and DiBiase helps Orton take Kofi to the ring floor from the top turnbuckle. Now at this point the crowd is totally invested. Everyone is cheering for the Viper to snap Kofi's neck with a devasting RKO. This is the point where Kofi does a "Can you tell I'm not ready for the main event?" moment. I'm not sure if he was supposed either take his time to get up from the floor or jump up faster but Randy was so pissed he broke charecter. When Kingston finally stood up in the middle of the ring Orton gave him one devasting RKO. Once the Legend Killer stood up you could see his frustrastion as he screamed "Stupid! Stupid!" then pins him with a following "You're Stupid!" scream.

You can tell how aggravated Orton is by his actions in just a 30 second time frame. From yelling at Kofi, to ripping his arm from the ref as he holds it up, followed by his stare at Sheamus who was standing at the top of the ramp. Now normally I would insult the wrestler for breaking his character and humiliating another wrestler during a live tv event. At this moment though I give Orton credit for not beating the hell out of Kofi right then and there. We all know of Randy's aggressive past from trashing hotel rooms and provoking fans so I'm surprised he didn't stomp a mud hole in his ass (props to Stone Cold).  Last time a wrestler messed up during a match with Orton was Kennedy and he was released right after the incident. We'll have to wait and see what happens to Kofi. Could be back to the mid-card for the Jamaican turned West African wrestler.

Until Next Time...


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