Royal Rumble 2010

These are my 2010 Royal Rumble Predictions. Who will be the one?!?

ECW Champion Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson
I'm glad to see some of the younger/new guys getting pay per view experience. Jackson would have been a great threat in the Rumble but that may be one reason to leave him out. Christian should probably lose the belt here to focus on a big match at Mania since he has the capability to put on incredible matches. Regal will most likely have some type influence on this title match but won't be a huge problem for the champ. I can honestly never bet against Captain Charisma (while he is ECW Champion) for I am a Peep. 
Winner- Christian

Women's Champion Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James
This is probably the best divas feud in a long time. The whole "Piggy James" thing might annoy some people, but at least it gives the women some good promo time. McCool doesn't receive as much heel heat as she should but with a face like that... who could boo her? I have a feeling Mickie pulls off the win with a screw up by Layla or maybe interference courtesy of Beth. Winner Winner Piggy Dinner?
Winner- Mickie James

World HeavyWeight Champion The Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio
By having Rey Rey challenging Taker for the title means one thing to me; The Deadman is feeling good and healthy. This could possibly be his longest title run and its well deserved for how much he has given in his career. He has suprised me in the last few pay per views as I am always picking him to lose. I can see Rey winning here so him and Batista can continue their feud but on the other hand the Elimination Chamber will only be 21 days away. I say Undertaker wins this match but still manages to make Mysterio look like a top contender.
Winner- Undertaker

WWE Champion Sheamus vs. Randy Orton 
Other than the Rumble itself, this is my most anticipated match to see on the card. Sheamus finally gets a competitor who can make him look legit. Orton has that ability to make anyone look good as long as they don't screw up (Kofi!). This is probably the WWE's way to get Orton into the Mania main event. Randy wins with a devastating RKO with no help from Legacy, at least I hope not.
Winner- Randy "The Viper" Orton
30-Man Royal Rumble, the winner to receive a championship match at WrestleMania
This is a star studded roster for the rumble this year. It's almost a toss up of who could come out on top. Triple H? HBK? Punk? Jericho? Big Show? Cena? So many possibilities to the point that Vince might not even have a clue just yet. As far as story lines go, HBK would be the logical choice so he can face the Undertaker at Mania. But what if the Deadman isn't champ going into Mania? This is such a hard choice that I must go to the crystal ball.... Santino!?! Stupid gypsy trinket. You can't just predict a winner, you have to predict who will headline WrestleMania. I'd like to somehow see Punk win this year but I find it doubtful. I say we see a previous winner do it again. Sorry Shawn but I'm picking the Animal.
Winner- Batista

What do you think about that Dave?

Thought you'd like that. Until Next Time...


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