The Unappreciated

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Well it's that time of week again where I ramble on about things I ponder about. After watching an incredible match last night on ECW between two experienced veterans; Christian & William Regal, I find myself feeling bad that their stellar performances will go unnoticed and unappreciated. This happens on a regular basis within every wrestling company but noticeably within the WWE. They have a good core group of veteran talent that I feel gets a low blow from the company.

Let's take Christian and Regal for example. Both superstars have been carrying ECW on their backs this past year and haven't been given proper respect. Neither wrestler has moved onto Smackdown or Raw but has helped the younger talent spring board their careers on the other brands. I can see these two wanting to help out the young talent but it's a slap in the face when you feud with a up-and-comer who moves on to bigger things. Christian should be on Raw or SD right now getting a shot at the Heavy Weight or WWE titles. He's paid his dues since returning to the E and puts on the best performance out of anyone on the show week in and week out. Regal has had many shots at the ECW title but has lost every chance, including his 8 second loss to Christian at SummerSlam. 8 seconds!?!?! One of the best technical wrestlers only gets an 8 second title match at one of the four biggest pay per views of the year. It's a disgrace.

How about other veterans on Raw and Smackdown. Kane, Matt Hardy, Chavo, Mark Henry, Finlay, and Charlie Haas. All of these wrestlers have given years of putting young superstars over only to watch them win the gold at events like WrestleMania. I understand that you need to keep freshening things up to keep people intrested, but why not allow some of the older guys to get a chance. Kane has held belts before but never for a prolonged amount of time. In my opinion he has never been given the proper respect for what he gives to the company. A big man that can move around like that deserves a title shot here and there.

Matt Hardy, Chavo, Mark Henry, and Finlay are all in the same boat. They get a good month storyline that leads to nothing special. Chavo is a joke these days by losing to Hornswoggle every Raw for a few months. Henry gets a tag title shot (but never one-on-one) every once in awhile but even with his dominant presence never gets any kind of feud going. Matt and Finlay are those two guys who fill up time by giving the young guys some experience. It's sad because both of them are good promo workers and fan favorites. Honestly, Matt will never get the chances that Jeff received and it's sad because he actually has a good head on his shoulders.

That leaves us with Charlie Haas. He is probably one of the most over looked skilled wrestlers on the WWE roster. When he was a part of The World's Greatest Tag Team with Shelton Benjamin, he was able to show off some of those technical moves. I think Charlie's run in the E would be completely different if his brother Russ was still alive. After Russ's death, Haas teamed with Shelton who shares many of the same wrestling abilities. They won the tag titles twice but Haas (nor Benjamin for that matter) were never pushed into any kind of storyline to propel his career. Haas has been getting his ass kicked by almost everyone in the WWE for the past few years and it seems almost meaningless to continue down the same path.

For some of these guys, where they are at in their careers is the best its ever going to be. I would love to see Benjamin and Haas team back up and show the WWE crowd how tag teams are supposed to wrestle and not that DX bullshit they feed us every week. Finlay should be the leader of a European stable while his younger members are challenging for mid card titles. Kane, Hardy, and Henry have had their time to shine but deserve a good clean win over a top main-eventer every once in awhile to hold credibility. Chavo honestly should probably leave the WWE and rule the Mexican wrestling indies. He could probably be a champion down there. Lastly, Regal and Christian are the only reason I continue to watch ECW at this very moment. These two have that amazing chemistry to wow me every week. I just hope Vince gives them one last run at something good. After the years of sweat, blood, tears, and downright brutal beatings, all these guys deserve one main event pay per view win so the fans can rememebr why these guys put themselves through it all.

Until Next Time...


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