New United States Champion

After a 3 week hiatus due to vacationing and being lazy, I have returned to write another post of insight and deep thoughts on the world of professional wrestling. This week's post I reflect on the Batista/Cena feud, Edge goes full blown heel while Orton gets the cheers, Jericho and Miz want a piece of the tag titles, Big Show can win the gold with one knockout, and Bret the "Hitman" Hart is your new US Champion. Really? Really? Yes Miz... Really! Let's get to it....

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

I don't want to get too much into this Sunday's pay per view since I will be posting my predictions later on today but this feud between the Animal and Chain Gang leader needs my reflection. I'm not too happy with the way these two have been facing one another. John Cena beat Batista with an easy win (yet creative) only to have to face him once again. The only way Batista will go down in the record books as a great heel is if he actually kills bitches (ala Cena). If John Cena is this so-called machine of a super hero strength then he needs to defeat the great monster cleanly and not by resulting in tool box products. In my honest opinion, I think Batista is only days away from exiting the WWE and this is their way of punishing him. It saddens me since his bad ass character is the best he's been since I can remember and I feel he has many years of dominating to do. I guess Hollywood can make you do crazy things these days. Just go make more movies with RVD if that's what you really want, I don't care. Sorry, I didn't mean that. But seriously, I wish Dave the best if he is really hanging up his black boots.

It hasn't been a secret that Randy Orton has been a favorite of mine for years. I have a huge heart for heels in the sports entertainment business due to the fact that they have to play a gimmick that makes fans scream "you suck", gives them the middle finger, and an occasional beverage thrown at their heads. The sick thing is, Orton plays his normal self inside the ring because he really is a selfish prick on the inside. I admire a man who is forced to lose a majority of his matches to the face of the company yet still finds a way to win the big matches. But as of WrestleMania, Orton has been getting a bigger crowd reaction than most faces would ever dream of receiving. Vince tried turing the Viper into a good guy years ago and it just didn't suit his style. Yet, in some sort of sick way, the fans are beggining to admire the in-ring style of Orton and he hasn't changed a thing about himself. He is the anti-hero of the 'E and yet is becoming a fan favorite.

When a wrestler returns from being gone due to injury or just much needed rest, they get a huge pop from the crowd. Within about 5 minutes you know whether the wrestler is going to ride that wave of cheers or turn on them to get that nice displeasure from the fans. When Edge returned at the Rumble, he took that face reaction all the way to 'Mania and the weeks after. Unfortunately for Edge, most of us fans don't like him being the good guy. We prefer the Rated R superstar to be rated "R". It's suprising that Edge and Orton have had completely opposite paths to their face/heel turns. Edge needed just one promo to get back to his usual persona and Orton turned face over a period of weeks and did almost nothing different. He might RKO more heels now but he will take out the fan favorites just as well and yet that's what people want. Vince has found something special in Randy that I haven't seen since the Rock or Austin. Let's hope the writers don't screw this one up.

Ever since the Miz lost the Unified Tag Team titles to the Hart Dynasty, he has had a personal vendetta against the Harts. The best person for him to pick as a partner to win those titles back was Chris Jericho. These two feed off each other perfectly because their mic skills and in-ring styles run parallel. When I watch the Miz, I feel like I'm watch Jericho back in the day. The only problem I have with this is these two should be challenging for the WWE Championship and not Tag Titles but it does give the tag division some credibility. Two recent tag champs eying for the gold can put the Harts over big time if David and Tyson can overcome this dynamic super team. Even if the students from the dungeon lose, it won't tarnish their achievements at the slightest bit.

I am 100% on-board with the Big Show facing Swagger for the World Heavyweight Championship. Jack needs a top-tier contender to defeat to solidify his spot at the top. Who better than the World's Largest Athlete? SmackDown is a little bare on top face challengers and this feud needs to be stretched out for the next three pay per views. My biggest complaint is how they are having Swagger lose all these meaningless matches. It will hurt him big time if he loses this Sunday since he has been on a losing role to lower card superstars. I'd like to see Swagger duck a knockout punch from Show and lock him in a new submission hold since that's the only thing missing in the All-American's arsenal. This Sunday could tell us if the WWE thinks Swagger is the real deal like many of us see him as.

This past Monday Night Raw, which I must say was the best show I have seen in a long-ass time, Bret accepted the Miz's challenge and beat him for his title. Now I know a lot of people bash TNA for allowing old farts to stink  up the squared circle (pun intended) but the WWE showed us how its done correctly. If Bret would have one punched Miz and got the pin-fall I would bash them this whole post but they made it interesting. I'm not a fan of someone over 50 holding the gold but I won't judge their mindset until the story completely unfolds. This is new territory for Bret by having the young Harts in his corner and feuding with Jericho (one of the best of all time) and the Miz (on his way to becoming a replica of Jericho). I admire his willingness to put his body in any kind of altercation since he isn't in wrestling shape because of the stroke. This is a good way to boost the Hart family even further and I like the direction of the writers in this case. Normally once WrestleMania has concluded, the 'E gets a little boring/lazy with its writing abilities but this is just one story that has my interest at its peak.

And with that, I'm outta here.

 Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!


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