Over The Limit Predictions

This Sunday marks the arrival of a new pay per view by the WWE called Over The Limit. Below are my predictions for the card as of right now.

Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. R-Truth
This should be a quick 5 min match with Truth winning with a little help from Virgil. It doesn't seem like he's going to be hanging around long so this is one of those week long appearance contracts to help pay for the wife's new kitchen kind-of thing. DiBiase doesn't boost/hurt his career with a win or lose here so I give it to the fan favorite.

Divas Championship Match
Eve vs. Maryse
Divas don't get the time of day to wrestle so I see this being a quick and easy win for Maryse. I like Eve as a champion but Maryse looks better with the gold around her waist. Honestly, she looks good in anything.
Winner- Maryse

Rey Mysterio vs. C.M. Punk
If Mysterio loses, he must join the Straight Edge Society. If Punk loses, he must have his head shaved.
This is the grudge match of the most over-looked feud in recent memory. Two of the best skilled performers in the ring and the E would rather focus on muscle heads to headline their ppvs. The conclusion of this match is huge for both superstars. I can't see Punk having all of his hair cut off but yet having Rey join the society would be a huge twist as well. I'm leaning a little more towards the Savior winning with some outside help.
Winner- CM Punk, because he's better than all of us 

Intercontinental Championship
Drew McIntyre(c) vs. Kofi Kingston
This match is a disappointment for me for one sole reason; Matt Hardy is out of the picture. It was Drew and Matt feuding 2 weeks ago and now they jump to Kofi. I can see either Matt or even Christian getting involved in helping Kofi win here. Drew needs to drop the title for the main reason that he's getting boring by holding onto the IC title.
Winner-Kofi Kingston

Randy Orton vs. Edge
Aw yes, the best match on this card. You have a great back story to go along with a feud based not on a championship but over hatred. These two are going to have a nice long feud all Summer long and this is just step one into making it the feud of the year. Orton, who is so over with the crowd that it makes Cena cry himself to sleep, versus Edge, who has reverted back to his conniving/sneaky ways in which makes him so dangerous. Both men are at the top of their games right now and should easily give the crowd their moneys worth. Picking the winner is tough solely on the reason that I see them having multiple pay per view matches in a row. I say Edge wins this one to help boost his ego and yet infuriate the Viper to seek revenge.
Winner- Edge 

Unified Tag Team Championship
The Hart Dynasty vs. Chris Jericho & The Miz
You have newly crowned champs vs recent title holders both with the Big Show. The Hart Dynasty is in a win/win situation in my mind. If they win, they have defeated two of the best in the game right now. If they lose, they've been defeated by two of the best in the game right now. I like ChrisMiz being champs for the sole purpose of possible amazing promos together but it seems like Vince is high on the Harts.
Winner- The Hart Dynasty 

World Heavyweight Championship:
Jack Swagger(c) vs. Big Show
The All-American American takes on the knockout king what should be a make or break match for Swagger. He needs a victory to stay at the top of the card and be a legitiamate champion. I like this little feud and by having Big Show lose, he doesn't lose any credibility since he will always be threat for the title. With Cena as the champ on the flagship show, I like Swagger being the counterweight on the blue brand. Plus, I want to see Swagger Doctor Bomb the big man  then slap in a bad ass submission move to solidify him as the future of the business.
Winner- Jack Swagger

WWE Championship: I Quit Match
John Cena(c) vs. Batista
The man who never quits versus the man who can only be defeated by duct tape. Submission moves, chair shots, and bulging veins will be the highlights of this match. Batista is saying farewell (so we've been told) to the wrestling business so there is no need to give him a one day title reign. Cena wins here with disappointment written over all of our faces. Don't be surprised by a sneak attack from the jar of mayonnaise with ketchup hair (Sheamus if you didn't know) either following the win by Cena or even prior to the match even starting.
Winner- John Cena


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