Night of Champions Predictions

This Sunday the WWE presents their yearly Night of Champions pay per view in which every title must be defended.. These are my predictions for the matches as of right now as the card is always subject to change.

CM Punk vs Big Show
This match really serves no purpose on a ppv dedicated to only titles being defended. Hopefully this is WWE's way of ending this feud so these men can either get into the main title picture on SD or take some time off. The Big Show should lose this match and focus on promoting his upcoming film, Knucklehead, and CM Punk should come out looking strong and take SES to the world title match next ppv. Show has had the upper hand against SES lately so Punk needs to win this one cleanly.
Winner- CM Punk

WWE Tag Team Title Match
Hart Dynasty vs ?
I think they will throw Dashing Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre against the Harts but I wouldn't be suprised if it was a 4 way tag match. Santino/Koslov and maybe the Uso Brothers could be involved that way. I didn't realize that the Harts have had the belts for 5 months now and maybe that's because the titles are never defended. If they change hands I want Rhodes and McIntyre to hold them but only if that means we get  those two on Raw on a regular basis. But since there are no opponents as of yet, I must give Bret's apprentices the nod.
Winner- Hart Dynasty

Unification Lumber-Jill Match
WWE Divas Champ Melina vs WWE Women's Co-Champ Michelle McCool
So the WWE has ruined the divas divison and this is their way to make things a bit more interesting. I would have preferred Divas tag titles but who would Maryse want to team with to win those. Melina is always strong in the ring but McCool has that little fiesty partner always lurking to help interfere. Either Layla helps Michelle win and they feud over who is the real champ or Layla costs McCool the match and they feud that way. Either turnout it should be the demise of LayCool down the road.
Winner- Michelle McCool

Random pic of hottness...

IC Title Match
Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston (Dolph will lose title if counted out or DQ'd.)
When I originally wrote this prediction I had Kofi pulling out the win mainly because Ziggler has only managed to hold on to this title by pulling shenanigans. That in itself should mean a clean victory over Kofi would legitimize him as a good IC champ. Plus Kofi wears a head band around his neck and that just bothers me on so many levels. Ziggler needs to either take Kofi out with a sleeper hold (which is so epic for the win since it's such a basic move) or the Zig-Zag. No help from Vickie, that hot ass cougar in his corner, or that new eye candy Kaitlyn.
Winner- Dolph Ziggler

US Title Match
The Miz vs Daniel Bryan
If there was one match that made me want to purchase this ppv, it's hands down this one. There is only one problem; it won't last for more than 10 min. There are so many matches on this card that this one will get a limited amount of in ring time to really put on the performance that both these men are capable of doing. Other than that, it's still a must-see match-up. I hope Alex Riley some how gets involved in this match so Bryan has an excuse for a rematch at Hell in a Cell ppv next month. That's where Bryan should win the title so Miz can cash in his briefcase.
Winner- The Miz (because he's awesome and I can't argue with that)

World HeavyWeight Title Match (No Holds Barred)
Kane vs The Undertaker
A brother's feud that has been reopened, but in PG! These two men have had epic battles in the past but the attitude era is over so no more catching each other on fire or burying the other one alive. This will be a good ol' fashioned squared circle beat down. The odds are always stacked against the Undertaker's opponents in any match but it seems like Kane's title run has been very dominant. After watching the Deadman struggle to beat CM Punk last week on SD, I don't see how they can give Taker the belt. The little brother needs to prevail this time.
Winner- K A N E ! ! !

Random pic of hottness....

Six Pack Elimination Challenge Match for WWE Title
Sheamus vs Edge vs Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett
This is the hardest call of the night. Not only because of six possible winners but six possible story-lines that could result. Sheamus could win and finally look like a strong champ since he always seems to win out of luck (Irish luck that is) and maybe result in Triple H returning to challenge him. Edge could win since he hasn't been champ in a long time which could make things interesting. Have Ryder become his lackey once more and do his dirty work. If Jericho wins then it just proves once more that he is the best at what he does. I love Y2J with the belt because it puts his heel character at even a higher level. Orton winning the championship is almost too obvious. I would like to see him champ but rather at Survivor Series than NOC. But if Raw wants to improve ratings against Monday night football then having your most "over" wrestler with the strap could be a good thing. If Cena wins then I will shake my head in displeasure. He doesn't need or deserve the title at this time. Cena as champ really serves no purpose story-line wise other than Nexus being involved. Barrett seems like the biggest long shot but it would really put Nexus at a whole new level. Wade with the title would make Nexus this era's 4 horseman type of faction. If Barrett would win the title than the other members need to capture other gold like the US and Tag Titles to really put them over. My gut says to play it safe with Sheamus retaining but I really love the concept of Barrett being champ.
Winner- Sheamus

Until Next Time...
 ...I'm Just Sayin!


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