Orton Looks To Be Unstopable

Welcome to another week's edition of The Daily Slam! We are only days away from the Night Of Champions pay per view, in which every championship will be defended, and the card is almost complete. Early predictions have Randy Orton as the hands down favorite to win WWE gold after the roll he's been on lately. Daniel Bryan has had The Miz's number via the LeBelle Lock but Miz gets last laugh on Raw. The Hart Dynasty still has no #1 contenders. Finally, who will face Melina in the unification match. All this and much more. Roll the opening photo....

On this week's Monday Night Raw, Randy Orton and John Cena were decided from a roulette wheel to have a tables match. The concept is easy, the first superstar to put his opponent through a table wins. Well after a decent bout and many close calls the wrestlers were bombarded by the other 4 members of their 6 pack challenge this Sunday. After Superman and the Viper took out all the interrupters, Cena had Orton in his finishing move and seconds away from the win when instantly Randy reversed into an RKO  ala putting Cena through wood for the win. It wasn't the most amazing reversal RKO we've seen lately but it was still surprising. This has to put Orton on his biggest win steak of his career and the clear cut favorite to win at the ppv. Well maybe not. Every time Randall seems to be doing well he always gets screwed out of winning gold which helps continue any kind of feud with the winner. So with Orton being the most obvious choice to win but almost too obvious leads to 5 other possible winners. Well maybe not Barrett. It sure will be interesting to see who walks out with the belt since the Miz is always lurking with that MITB briefcase gripped so securely in his grasp.

Last week Daniel Bryan challenged the Miz to a match for the US Title. As a heel, the Miz will not be upstaged by some internet darling so this week he faked an injury and threw his apprentice Alex Riley in a match with Bryan. Of course that lead to Riley losing but Miz getting the last laugh with a beat down on Bryan followed by a skull crushing finale on top of the briefcase. If this feud doesn't intrigue the die hard fans of WWE then you don't deserve good entertainment. These two are a perfect match-up not only in the ring but on the mic. Bryan could be the best technical wrestler since Benoit (that's right I said his name) and the Miz is the best heel to get over since Jericho back in the early 00's. It appears Vince thinks highly of the Miz's talent since he is featured on the cover of WWE magazine which is unheard of if your name isn't Cena, Orton, Taker, or Mysterio. Too bad Marty Janetty John Morrison couldn't step up his promo game cause he should be on the same level as the Miz at this point

Diva Break...

The Hart Dynasty faced Chris Jericho on Raw in a steel cage match. Tyson Kidd looked great in the ring which is no surprise. The big surprise is though that these 2 don't have competition as of yet for the Night of Champions ppv. The tag division is so sad these days that they can't even build a decent match for the tag titles for a ppv in which every title will be defended. Hopefully they announce something last minute tonight on SmackDown when they do their final card rundown. Rhodes and McIntyre perhaps?

Speaking of SD, the "Co-Women's" Champion of LayCool need to decide who faces Melina for the Unification match of the belts. I think one diva title is a smart move but only if that champion actually shows up on both shows. Perhaps this will lead to more one on one matches as well instead of all these diva tag matches and diva battle royals. That's when I go channel surfing. If LayCool chooses Michelle McCool to face Melina and loses, can Layla object to the lose since she is the "actual' Women's Champion? I think that could be a good twist in the story. I would prefer to see Layla take on Melina since I can't think of the last time they had a one on one match, if ever and in all honesty Layla is the better in ring worker. She be a good ol' cat fight none the less. I predict a 5 min match which is twice as long as the diva's tv matches are.

Last week on SmackDown, CM Punk lost to the Undertaker in a fantastic match. Either the Deadman is really getting worn out in matches or he puts on one hell of a show by looking beat down. I give him the benefit of the doubt with option number dos. Punk looked dominate most of the match which once again proves that this over drawn feud with the Big Show is a waste of his talent ten fold. Punk needs to be in the ppv main event as much as Cena or Orton on Raw. It appears that SES is on the path to dismantle which I couldn't be any happier since it was a story that never got the time it deserved. Damn those writers dropped the ball with that faction like a bag of bricks. I mean who doesn't miss Serena?

Diva Break...

In non-tv wrestling news: Kevin Nash and Matt Hardy have been busier on twitter as of late then they have been in the ring. Kevin isn't too happy with the direction of TNA and his role with the company. It appears that Big Daddy Cool will be leaving after his contract is up to pursue other wrestling gigs. I find this situation to quite interesting seeing how the WWE is having a WCW type of WrestleMania/ Hall of Fame this year in Atlanta. Is this Nash's way of getting in the HOF earlier than expected? Makes sense to me. I'm not saying that's his sole reasoning but I'm sure it crossed his mind. Matt Hardy on the other hand is in denial stage. It seems that WWE sent him home from a few shows but Matt refuses to admit to these stories. I can't blame the WWE for not being behind Hardy anymore since it seems like his dedication to staying in shape has hit rock bottom. He still puts on a good match but as an independent contracted wrestler, you must do everything in your power to be in the best shape possible. Matt has always been loyal to the WWE and I hate to see him get future endeavored but the company must do whats best for them. I don't think it's personal but business is business and a Hardy reunion in TNA might be a better option for Matt anyways.

That's all for this week. Check out my pay per view predictions for Night of Champions that will be posted tomorrow. Thanks for reading and as always.....

...I'm Just Sayin!


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