Bragging Rights

Brand vs Brand Match:
Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs US Champion Daniel Bryan
Two of the WWE's most promising young stars face off to to prove the supremacy of their respective titles. These are both guys who the wwe seems to like but are hesitant to really get behind. Both of these guys have momentum and need to win but I would say Ziggler needs the win a little bit more. Still, it seems they have more plans for Daniel then they do for Ziggler.
Winner: Ziggler

Divas Championship Match:
Layla El (c) vs Natalya
It's good to see Natalya's push continue and the Diva's championship get contested with an actual feud. Between them pushing Natalya and NXT season 3 being all divas I wonder if this is the start of the WWE caring about woman wrestling again. Natalya may win by dq but lay-cool will keep the belts and next month there will be a three way match with both members of Lay-cool and Natalya
Winner:Natalya by dq
7 on 7 Brand vs Brand Elimination Match:
Team SD- Big Show (captain), Edge, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Tyler Reks, & Kofi Kingston vs Team Raw- The Miz (captain), R-Truth, John Morrison, Santino Marella, Sheamus, CM Punk, & Ezekiel Jackson
Why have this match so close to survivor series? Smackdown's team looks much more impressive on the surface but Raw's team has potential. I kinda wish the WWE played a little more with the history of the guys in the match. Like how Big Show and Edge both used to date Vickie or Edge and Rey Mysterios former run with the tag titles or Showmiz or the dirt sheet. The real question in this match is which team will disintegrate first and if Nexus will make an appearance.
Winner: Raw(big Zeke)

WWE Championship Match:
Randy Orton (c) vs Wade Barrett (w/ John Cena)
Wade Barrett finally get's his title shot and I think he might win it. The question is dose the WWE want to give another wrestler their first world championship in a year. Unlike Swagger and Sheamus, Wade Barrett is going into his potential title run looking like a legit maineventer. Having a solid group behind you that includes John Cena doesn't hurt either. He looks like he could win. Then again, he's going up against Randy Orton who seems to be the most over face in years and has more than enough experience with gang warfare. It could go either way.
Winner:Wade Barrett

World HeavyWeight Championship (Buried Alive Match):
Kane (c) vs The Undertaker
I feel this feud should of ended last month and Kane should be facing Orton here, but whatever. To put it short I think Undertaker wins here even though I think there's more mileage left in Kane's title run then with Taker as champion.
Winner: The deadman.


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