SmackDown Take Over

Welcome one and all to another edition of The Daily Slam! The Bragging Rights pay per view is this Sunday and it looks like SmackDown has the momentum. Teddy Long takes out the mystery GM, huge roster battle royal, Daniel Bryan challenges Dolph Ziggler, and Goldust continues his dominance. Let's get to it...

Teddy Long took over this past Raw. Not only did he unplug the annoynomus Raw General Manager but he called the shots and I must say I was overall pleased. No more Micahel Cole saying "and I quote..." for one night is soothing to my ear drums. Teddy announced a captain vs captain match (Miz vs Big Show) to main event the show but ended up changing it to a Raw vs SD battle royal. The finish was kind of surprising. Edge and Big Show stood tall to give the blue brand the extra momentum heading into the Bragging Rights show.

John Cena tagged with Randy Orton to take on Husky Harris & Michael Mcguilicutty. Even though Orton/Cena got the win, the champion was on the wrong end of the track after the bout. Nexus took out Orton which helps Barrett going into his title match on Sunday. Cena is looking more and more of a follower to the Nexus leader which could result in us seeing a new champion. Cena must listen to Barrett's every order or else in which leads us to one question.... what does Cena do for Barrett when the cameras are not on? Just kidding, this is a PG show. But seriously, Orton is at quite a disadvantage in his title defense since Cena and Nexus will be looking for the opportunity to give Wade a helping hand.

Dolph Ziggler could be facing his toughest opponent to date this Sunday and good thing it isn't a title match. Daniel Bryan issued the challenge and Ziggler gladly accepted followed by trying to take out Bryan. Unfortunately for him, Daniel locked in the LeBelle Lock in what could be a preview for their match. Will we have one more member of the "You Tapperd Out" club? Can Mr Ziggles and his cougar Vickie take out the American Dragon? That's the one match on the card that I am most excited about seeing. Also, Bryan has some sick dance skills.

There was a squash match that involved the one and only Zack Ryder. That's not suprising. What is suprising though is that he got his ass handed to him by the golden one... GOLDUST! This man has been steam rolling through the company as of late. First he steals DiBiase's million dollar belt. Then he proposes to his rookie diva. Next he is dominating a mid carder in 30 seconds. Also, Ted tried to pull a fast one over Goldie but was hit with the Final Cut and left the million dollar son laying on his back motionless. Goldust looks to be in the best shape he's been in for the past few years and is getting a little storyline to keep the fans interested. Glad Vince is showing his appreciation for one of the hardest workers in the company.

This week's Slam is a little shorter than most but be sure to check out my ppv prediction for this weekend. I would also like to throw out a good luck to Brock Lesnar for his fight this Saturday against Cain Velasquez. Lesnar is one of the only reasons I watch UFC and I hope he silences all these doubters once again via first round submission. Team DeathClutch all the way!

Until Next Time...

... I'm Just Sayin!


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