Hell In A Cell '10

This Sunday is the WWE's pay per view Hell in a Cell. With only 2 weeks in between pay per views, we are about to embark on a another concept/gimmick Sunday night which has a few titles up for grabs. Here are my predictions for the card as it stands right now since there is always the possibility of change last second.

Unified Divas Championship
Michelle McCool (c) vs Natalya
Not sure why McCool gets the title match two pay per views in a row. I think LayCool will pull out the win but in my heart I must cheer for Natalya in her first championship match.
Winner- Michelle McCool

US Championship Submissions Count Anywhere Match:
Daniel Bryan (c) vs The Miz vs John Morrison
This is a great triple threat match but I feels it's way too rushed. The Miz deserves his title rematch and Morrison is taking some of the personal hatred out of it. Does Miz or Morrison even have a good finisher to pull off a win? This is a match that needed at least 4 weeks to build towards to showcase Miz and Morrison being able to go toe to toe via submission with Daniel Bryan. It will start out with Morrison and Bryan brutally attacking Miz for the first 5 min leading to Morrison turning on Daniel when he puts Miz in the LeBelle Lock. There should be some "Holy Shit!" moments outside of the ring but in the end, Daniel Bryan should walk out still the US Champ.
Winner- Daniel Bryan

World HeavyWeight Championship Hell in a Cell Match:
Kane (c) vs The Undertaker
These are two of the biggest superstars of the last decade. The brothers of destruction face off once again the the beloved gold that Kane has held for a few months and hasn't looked more dominate since his mask was on. Kane had the upper hand at NOC ppv but the Undertaker has been rejuivinated by the return of Paul Bearer. The man who carries the urn can give the Deadman his evil powers back but is it enough to defeat the current champion. This is the only match that should be a hell in a cell match. It's referred to Taker's playground and I'm sure this will be one brutal fight. Undertaker could win the title and carry it for a few months to allow Kane to be more involved in the Bragging Rights and Survivor Series pay per views. Or does Kane win and help set-up a future WrestleMania match? We are looking at a win-win situation here. I love Kane's title reign since it's more than well deserving but I think Taker is looking at calling it quits within the next 6 months. If Kane loses here, I'm also afraid he gets shuffled back to jobbing out to younger guys by Rumble. Bearer give Taker the upper hand and it's almost too obvious.
Winner- Undertaker

Random pic of hottness... 

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs Sheamus
Now this is a perfect example of a match to end a feud. This will go back and fourth with some close finishes but in the end the Viper will prevail. I just can't see taking the belt off of him after just 2 weeks and the fact that he's the golden ticket on Raw right now. Unless Jericho would be fooling us all and somehow gets involved, I see Orton giving Sheamus a few RKOs in a dominating fashion. Hell maybe even a punt which leads to Sheamus going to SmackDown in a few weeks to freshen up that show.
Winner- Randy Orton

John Cena vs Wade Barrett
This match has some serious stipulations attached to it. First off, Nexus is banned from ringside via orders from the mysterious Raw GM. The outcome of this bout is where things will be shaken up. If Cena wins then Nexus must disband which could lead to some of the members going into single paths or tag teams on Raw or SmackDown. But what if Mr. Barrett pulls out a surprising victory? John Cena will be forced to join the group in which he vowed to take out one by one. Honestly, this is the way I am leaning towards. The rules state that members of Nexus can't interfere in the match but what about a mystery assailant or say a NXT season 2 rookie that is looking for an opportunity to join the group? Say, Mr Perfect Jr? If this would occur, Cena could go the path of destroying the faction from within. Another way to go is the anti-hero heel Cena that we have all heard the rumors about for the past 3 years. I know Cena is a huge marketing tool for the WWE but look at what Hogan did for WCW when he stepped over that invisible line between good and buy guy. With Randy Orton becoming the top face on Raw these days (even though its a bad ass face like Stone Cold was) it could be the perfect time for the chain gang leader to switch up his look a little bit. Heel turns can be a big boost in one's fan base. The last person to go full heel that took his character to all new highs was Batista. He may have been hated by the under 12 year old's, but his promo and in ring work went to levels of amazing. Anyways, back to this match-up. Barrett can hold his own against Cena and it should be a good back and fourth bout. I have a bad feeling about Cena winning but I'm praying for a heel turn.
Winner- Wade Barrett


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