eXtreme Predictions


Strap Match: Shad Gaspard vs. JTG
Tag partners turning on each other are nothing new. The question is not who's going to win but can either get over on their own more then they did as a team. Shad has gotten more mic time so I'll go with him.
Winner: The black one 

Street Fight: Sheamus vs. Triple H
The young up and comer trying to take an established veterans place. this is a match I'm looking forward too if only street fights tend to be HHH's forte. Worst case scenario we get two big guys kicking each others ass. If this feud is going to continue Sheamus needs to pick up the win.
Winner: HHH 

Punk's Hair vs Rey Rey's Freedom
I hope these two will actually get some time with this one as they could have an incredible match. The ultimate underdog's speed and high flying offense vs Punk's cunning and straight edge technical skills. After this match, we may have a new member of the SES because i hate the thought of a bald Punk.
Winner: Self Respect(Hopefully) 

Steel Cage Match: Edge vs. Chris Jericho
This is one of the most disappointing feuds I can remember. These are the two most well-rounded performers in the WWE and while they deserved their title spot at Mania it was a little underwhelming. That's what happens when you build a feud around the less effective finisher in professional wrestling. I'm thinking Jericho wins here and their feud turns into a tag war as Jericho seems to be starting a feud with christian on NXT.
Winner: Jerikco!!! 

Extreme Makeover Women's Title Match: Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix
Michelle McCool you will now know the name of the one true God. Beth Phoenix. That is all.
Winner: Glamazon 

Extreme Rules World Title Match: Jack Swagger vs. Randy Orton
High stakes booking. Neither man can afford a loss here with Orton still finding his way as a face and Swagger going from joke to champ in about a week. This is my pick for match of the night since you have two solid in ring performers with the to best story-lines of the year thus far.
Winner: The All American All American World Champion 

Last Man Standing WWE Title Match: John Cena vs. Batista
It's a shame that Batista waited this long to get good and I'm starting to think he's putting in the extra effort because he wants to leave on a good note. Anyway he isn't leaving with the title so that leaves...
Winner and still champion: John Cena


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