Extreme Rules '10

Extreme Rules has taken over for the previous Backlash show which normally features rematches from WrestleMania. These are my predictions for the Extreme Rules 2010 pay per view.

* Strap Match: Shad Gaspard vs. JTG
They started as a dominate tag team who were released from their contracts only to be re-signed and feud mainly with the Hart Dynasty has finally split up. There is no more Money Money, Yeah Yeah. This match is all about who is the better superstar from this once great tandem of street thugs.  Shad has revealed his inner heel and is tired of carrying his long time friend. All teams eventually split up and are thrown into the singles pool while trying to sink or swim. This match will show if they can actually work well as singles seeing as they should know each others move-set pretty damn well. Shouldn't be more than 5 minutes of punches followed by a nifty high fly move by JTG to pick up the win.
Winner- JTG 

* Street Fight: Sheamus vs. Triple H
The veteran vs the rookie round II with sledgehammers and steel pipes. I normally like street fights but not in the PG era for one reason... no blood. How can u hit someone countless times on steel steps and sledgehammers without breaking open the skin. This should end the feud between these two, and since Triple H won the Mania match, I'll give the nudge to the Celtic Warrior. Don't be surprised by screwy finish (interference by someone else, not real screws)
Winner- Sheamus 

* If CM Punk Loses, He Loses His Hair: Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
On Raw, we got a little glimpse of what could happen to Punk if he loses which means I doubt the "Savior" will be defeated on Sunday. Punk gives everything to the wrestling business but I doubt losing his hair will be one of them. I imagine Gallows and Serena will have some influence in this match which gives Punk the upper hand in any situation.
Winner- CM Punk 

*Steel Cage Match: Edge vs. Chris Jericho
This is the one match that would tempt me to purchase this pay per view. Two of the best wrestlers on the roster in 4 sides of steel is a dream match. If it is even close to as good as their Mania match, it will surely steal the show. There is one key difference between this match and the Mania match... no championship on the line. Edge should get the pin-fall here after using the Spear!
Winner- The Ultimate Opportunist

* Extreme Makover Women's Title Match: Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix
 This match will take less than 3 minutes which mean I won't elaborate anymore than one sentence.
Winner- Michelle McCool 

* Extreme Rules World Title Match: Jack Swagger vs. Randy Orton
The new World Champion gets his shot one of the best in the game. Orton is so over as a face with the fans it has to making Cena a little jealous. Who would have guessed that bad ass persona would work? Oh yea, Stone Cold. Duh. This title defense will either make Swagger look like a true main-eventer or a one and done champ. Let's hope he continues a nice title reign. But if Orton wins, he could be the top face champion on the blue brand after the draft is complete. Doubtful. I'll say give the young guy a chance to shine.
Winner- The All American American 

* Last Man Standing WWE Title Match: John Cena vs. Batista
These two had a terrific performance at Mania which means I expect nothing less than 20 minutes of them barely standing up on the count of 9. I would like to see Batista walk away with the title because I think a heel of his level only looks more dominate as champion but unfortunately it's hard to beat a man who doesn't seem to have a weak spot. Cena doesn't lose cause he's a glorified douche.
Winner- John Cena 

I will post my WWE Draft predictions on Monday since the winners of the championship matches will have a big influence on my decisions. Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!


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