Rob Van Dam?!?

Welcome one and all to another post of insight and deep thoughts on the world of professional wrestling. In the week's post: TNA crowns a new champions one night after their Lockdown pay per view. The WWE can't fly across the pond in time for Raw so substitutions were made. Also, the E cuts out the roster fat right before their big "draft" day. So without further ado...

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

At TNA's Lockdown ppv (which I predicted most of the winners), AJ Styles retained his championship while Kurt Angle defeated Mr Anderson only to say goodbye to wrestling for awhile. I was happy to see AJ hold the gold but sad to see Angle begin begin his sabbatical. The next night on Impact is where TNA not only surprised me but disappointed me. RVD beat Jeff Hardy for a shot at AJ's title in which he then defeated The Phenomenal One. How in the hell does TNA expect me to believe that a man who wrestled his ass off on Sunday night comes right back to win two matches the following night? Additionally, one of those matches are against the company's champion. I'm okay with RVD winning the title (even though I'd prefer Hardy, Pope, or Wolfe) just not the night after a major pay per view. That's like Swagger beating Cena the night after WrestleMania in a one on one match w/o cashing in the briefcase while the champ is already down. Stuff like this should not happen.

In all honesty, I think this was a move to boost ratings and not story-lines which hurts their credibility in my book. Titles should not change hands on a whim. I'm surprised Rob Van Dam  was even able to make it to Tuesday nights Impact taping after all the smoking him and Hardy probably did since it was 4/20. Hopefully this doesn't hurt Styles character since he did lose the belt without any help from Ric Flair. TNA has too many main-eventers all eyeballing for the title right now but long term title reigns can only help a company, not hurt it. RVD needs to have good title defenses for me to be on board with this Hogan decision.

This week's Monday Night Raw Smackdown was full of blue brand superstars due the volcanic ash spread across Europe which resulted in grounding all air travel back to the US. This hurt Raw in a major role since their 3 hour Draft show was only a week away. But when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade which means you bring in the Undertaker. Jack Swagger threw out a challenge to anyone in the back which normally brings out Santino is a quick squash but instead sparked the sound of the "dong". The Deadman and Swagger put on a terrific match which was almost pay per view worthy. I have no problem with Taker winning against the Champ mainly in fact that he is the Deadman. No one looks bad by losing to him via tombstone piledriver.

As of this morning, The E has released 7 superstars: Mickie James, Katie Lea Burchill, Shelton Benjamin, Kung Fu Naki, Slam Master J Mike Knox, and Jimmy Wang Yang. The company always releases people for whom they don't have anything for in the near future every Spring season. It's a good thing this has come right before the Draft. I admire their move to let go of wrestlers who could be stars in TNA or RoH. Take D'Angelo Dinero and Mr Anderson for example. I honestly hope Shelton Benjamin gets a shot at greatness somewhere soon because he has major talent and a lot to offer to young stars.

That is all for this week's short post but my Extreme Rules and WWE Draft Predictions will be posted soon.

Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!


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