New Champions Are Crowned

After a one week hiatus from blogging, I have returned to share my insight on the world of professional wrestling. In this week's post; Jack Swagger has a contender for his championship, a new diva wins the gold, David Otunga is making a name for himself, ShoMiz is considered the greatest tag team of all time, and much more. So without further ado...

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

Since my last post on Taipei Deathmatch, The All American American Jack Swagger won his first World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Chris Jericho on Smackdown after cashing in the briefcase. Originally the #1 contender for the title was going to be between Jericho or Edge but after a double DQ, Randy Orton has been given the honor. I absolutely love this direction the WWE is going. They can continue the Jericho/Edge feud and give Swagger a major face to learn the ropes from. Orton is so over with the crowd that this helps the champ become more of a legit title holder if he prevails at Extreme Rules. Swagger has the charisma, in-ring ability, and a main event look that I can see him becoming a top heel in no time.

There is only one problem with Jack Swagger... his mic skills. We are all aware of his small speech impediment and the E is exploiting it. I have a major problem with this. When the challengers are making fun of the champ in this manor I feel that is downgrades the title holder a smudge. They need to build up Swagga as a dominate force and having contenders poke fun of him like children do on the playground only diminishes his stature in my opinion. Swagger joins a long list of great World Title holders (Jericho, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Great Khali, Chris Benoit)  and he should be very proud of what the company has bestowed upon him.

The lovely Maryse was defeated on Raw by Eve to become the new Divas Champion. The match was so-so with the crowd being dead silent. I can only imagine they would do this title swap only to have a rematch at Extreme Rules. I like Eve as a champion because she actually has so good in-ring ability but she hasn't done any mic work that I can recall. Let's hope Maryse gets the title back soon because she is the only reason I continue to watch the divas on Raw. On a side note; the E needs Melina to return fast!

David Otunga hosted Raw last week only to leave Cena high and dry in a tag match. Then he returns this week to face Cena one on one. He also gets some promo time with Batista then the Hoff. Otunga was squashed by John Cena during his match on Raw but that's expected since he was facing the Champ. I can honestly say that Vince has found his favorite rookie to push. Even if Daniel Bryan wins the NXT season, David "A-List" Otunga will become the rookie breakout star.

Bret Hart returned this week to Raw for the 27th time in 2010 to correct the Miz when he said that ShoMiz will go down as the "Greatest Tag Team of All-Time!" Bret got an easy pop from the crowd by mentioning the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation where really the great tag teams because they were together for years. Now Bret is my favorite wrestler of the '90's but let's not forget the New Age Outlaws, Edge & Christian, The Dudleyz, or the Hardyz who have all held the tag titles more times than anyone else. I know it's all in the storyline so Bret has to say that but any real wrestling fan knows who the greatest tag teams are. I just figured I would clear up any confusion in case people believe everything Bret says. Anyways, The Miz defeated DH Smith on Raw which means Bret now has to admit ShoMiz is the "greatest tag team of all time" on this upcoming Raw. I imagine he will somehow talk them into putting up their tag title at Extreme Rules against the Harts but it should be a good 10 minutes of Miz saying "Really Bret?" which I am okay with. I would go ape shit if E&C would make an appearance and issue a challenge but that's highly doubtful.

Additional Slams!...

This Sunday is TNA's ppv Lockdown. On paper, this card looks good but with Hogan/Bischoff pulling the strings I imagine there will be some sort of cluster-fuck involved. It's really becoming a given on weekly basis. The matches are as follows with my predictions;
AJ Styels (C) vs D'Angelo Dinero. Winner- Styles
Team Hogan vs Team Flair. Winner- Team Hogan
Kurt Angle vs Mr Anderson. Winner- Mr Anderson
Douglas Williams (C) vs. Kazarian vs. Shannon Moore. Winner- Kazarian
Kevin Nash vs Eric Young. Winner- Nash
Team 3D vs The Band. Winner- Team 3D
The Beautiful People (C) vs. Angelina Love (c) and Tara. Winner- Beautiful PPL
James Storm vs. Rob Van Dam. Winner- R V D !!!
The Motor City Machineguns vs. Brian Kendrick and Homicide. Winner- Machine Guns

I honestly put no thought into picking my predictions because I have lost all intrest in TNA Wrestling. I am happy to see The Pope and Mr Anderson in good feuds though. I only have one question for Hogan... where in the hell is Samoa Joe? I bet Vince has room on the roster for someone who is vastly over with the fans.

On a final note, the WWE Draft is less than 2 weeks away on a special 3 hour Raw. I haven't heard on how the draft will be done but I assume it will be the random computer drawing as used in years past. I miss the General Managers drafting individuals because it added a little but to the story-lines. Unfortunately by having guest hosts every week on Raw, we miss out on those kind of interactions. Good thing SmackDown has two people in charge to make up for what Raw is lacking. I will post my Draft predictions that same Monday following the Extreme Rules pay per view since the results could alter my thoughts on who should go to which brand. Well that is all for this week.

Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!


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