Nexus Apologizes. Or Do They?

Hello one and all and welcome to another end of the week edition of The Daily Slam. In this post, I will give my thoughts on a new Raw GM, the NXT 7 giving a public apology, how Vince was in charge of the radicals... for a minute, the new world title holders, and how DiBiase is one lucky son of a gun.

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

Vince McMahon welcomes us to Monday Night Raw. He informs the "Universe" that Bret Hart is removed from his GM duties and has been replaced by a Wizard of Oz character who gives commands via email. Not a bad idea to have an anonymous GM but having Michael Cole announce the emails makes me hate his weasel ways even more. Having us, the fans, guessing who could be pulling the Raw strings brings a cool vibe to the GM position that we haven't had in awhile. My top 3 hopeful choices are: Bryan Danielson, William Regal or Wade Barrett himself.

The 'Rooks, NXT 7, or Nexus (as we assume they will be called) all gave their public apologizes  for their actions the past few weeks. At first I was disgusted as to how they were coming off weak looking but in the long run it gave them the whole "backstabber" feel once Raw was over. During the main event involving Cena vs Sheamus, the Nexus group chased off the new champion and threw an announcer table over the C-Nation leader. Then Vinny Mac took full responsibility for this new radical group because he is always the mastermind. Instead of looking like the new cult leader, Nexus beat his old ass down and showed once again that you cannot trust this group of rebels. I praise this storyline other than Vince taking charge for 3 minutes because it was unnecessary. It was a slight glimpse of Corporate Ministry with a stone cold beatdown twist. Nexus is becoming a new nWo faction that will do what they want, when they want. I love every minute of this crazy story other than the fact that it needs to surface on SmackDown as well.

Other than I had predicted, Sheamus and Rey Mysterio became the new world title holders in WWE after the Fatal 4 Way pay per view. I can understand Sheamus because he has only progressed since his last reign. Sheamus can speak on the mic, feud with Cena, Orton or even HHH once he returns. So many possibilities that I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. With Rey Rey winning though just makes Swagger look even more like a fluke champion. After winning the gold, he suffered a brutal losing streak that was undeserved. There comes a fine line in building a strong heel character and "sending the fans home happy". Swagga got the wrong side of that line. He takes out Big Show on SD with an ankle lock but still loses via DQ. This guy can't catch a break these days.

Ted DiBiase fired Vigril on Raw and introduced his new entourage... Maryse. If this is punishment for showing her vag on television then Ted got the lucky end of the stick. The more time anyone spend with Maryse on, or off, screen means he is one lucky person. Maryse is not only the best looking diva but also the most charismatic on the mic. Someone tell Ted he is in the presence of greatness every time that French-Canadian stands near him. I hate that guy but am so jealous at the same time. Damn it!

Until Next Time...
... I'm Just Sayin!

Fatal 4Way

This Sunday is another new gimmick by the WWE. The Fatal 4Way is featuring multiple 4Way Championship matches. These are the matches with my predictions.

Intercontinental Title Match: Kofi Kingston (c) vs Drew McIntyre
 Drew is drawing major heat as of late but I think it's more to do with his feud with Matt Hardy and not Kofi. I wouldn't mind seeing Drew win the title back here but only if that means Matt gets in the title picture as well. Unfortunately, one face on the blue brand needs to hold gold so I give the nod for Kofi to retain. Don't be suprised by a run in by verison 1.0.
Winner- The Jamaican Kofi Kingston (from Ghana?)

United States Title Match: The Miz (c) vs R-Truth
I don't understand why the championship would have switched hands on Raw instead of a ppv but with that, it sets up this match. R-Truth wants his title back and will come up only short of his goal I imagine. The Miz only looks good with gold hanging from his shoulder. Without the title, Miz is just another mid-carder filling up time on Raw.
Winner- The Miz

Divas Title Match: Eve (c) vs Maryse vs Gail Kim vs Alicia Fox
The only women's match on the card and yet they will only be given 5 minutes I bet. Eve has been solid since winning the title but it just doesn't seem right not having Maryse as champ. Actually I am sad every time I think about it. Maryse will be champion soon but I don't think this is where she wins.
Winner- Eve

World Heavyweight Title Match: Jack Swagger (c) vs Big Show vs Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk
This match has some many tangiles that I will most likely steal the show. I know that doesn't say much but this will make everyone go home happy. Expect many near falls and plenty of reversals. There is only one major problem; Big Show. He will have to get knocked out of the ring and take a good 10 min break on the outside so Punk and Rey can put on their spectacular performace. I said last pay-per-view that Swagger needed to win to solidify his title run. Well, since that match, he has been on the losing end in some form of fashion. It's that old case of "here you go, be a champion but you're going to lose every match on free televison" kind of story for Swagger. I can see Big Show winning here but then again I think that's the wrong direction to go. If they want Swagger vs Taker at SummerSlam then The All American American needs to retain the title.
Winner- Jack Swagger

WWE Title Match: John Cena (c) vs Randy Orton vs Edge vs Sheamus
The machine vs the viper vs the ultimate opportunist vs the jar of mayonnaise guy? This has so many great "coulda and shoulda been"  story-lines involved but have been pushed to the back burner because of the NXT Rookies invasion. Cena has been champ for some time now (no surprise there), Orton is guy who everyone wants to see as the champion, Edge is probably most deserving, and Sheamus is just there until Triple H comes back. Can you imagine if Batista was in place of Sheamus? It could have been epic. The sad thing is that I can almost see Sheamus winning here after Orton hands him the win after giving Cena or Edge and RKO but re-injures his shoulder and can't cover for the win. They keep saying that Cena only has a "25%" chance of winning (as if we can't figure that statistic out) and yet I still put him as the odds on favorite here. Unless Orton is really okay pysically, then I can see Edge winning to continue their feud until SummerSlam.
Winner- John Cena

Until Next Time...
... I'm Just Sayin!

Is He or Isn't He?

Bryan Danielson. Fired.

After a decade of wrestling on the indy circuit developing his skills and reputation Bryan Danielson had finally made it to the big time, he made it to the WWE. The man many consider to be the greatest technical wrestler of all time had finally come to the big stage.

However, many were worried that his look, size and promo style would be held against him and that he'd have to limit his in ring abilities to suit the brass and the announcement that The Miz would be his pro mentor on NXT seem to justify those fears. Then something happened. He debuted.

The first episode of NXT Bryan Danielson made his debut starting a rivalry with his pro and facing against the world heavyweight champion Chris Jericho, while the champ was preparing to defend his title at the biggest show of the year no less. It became clear that the WWE had big plans for the rechristened Daniel Bryan. Immediately being placed in the two high profile story lines on NXT feuding against The Miz and Micheal Cole, having competitive matches against major stars Chris Jericho and Dave Batista and even having his indy past referenced to an unprecedented extent. Inspire of a losing streak, he seemed to be on the way of becoming WWEs next breakout star.

Last Monday, all of the NXT rookies(including Bryan) attacked John Cena, the SES and the surrounding ring personal to start one of the most surprising and promising story lines in a long time. Then Friday we got another surprise Bryan had been fired.

Many wondered if Bryan's firing was a work. The reason he was fired seemed suspicious. Even if that was against the rules wouldn't they have just suspended him instead of firing their newest star walk and go to TNA. If it is a work then many higher ups in the WWE aren't in on it as they too seem to be surprised.

I believe that it is a work. I believe Vince McMahon and Bryan Danielson have an agreement in place where Bryan is officially fired but will return. Let's look at the evidence. First with regards to Bryan the WWE has been fucking with the fans since the beginning, naming him Daniel Bryan and pairing him with the Miz. Since debuting on NXT they have discussed his indy background in a way that they never have for anyone else and during the show he worked many promos that had a shoot feel to them blurring the line between kayfabe and reality. Also his entire career he has been compared to Chris Benoit and this NXT storyline has shades of Benoits group the Radicals and now him being fired as a result of a rule created after the Benoit tragedy that no one has ever herd of before now seems fishy.

This incident has gotten people talking and that's how you make a star. Like Edge's affair with Lita and Matt Hardy's firing/rehiring catapulted Edge to superheeldom this could make Bryan a major face when he in a huge surprise returns and confronts his fellow NXT rookies for kicking him out of the group.

Even if he was fired for real it's obvious he'll be back and lets hope that if that is the case then Vince quickly comes to his senses and resigns him.

The Invasion Continues...

Hello one and all and welcome to another end of the week edition of The Daily Slam. In this post, I will give my thoughts on the continuation of the NXT Season I invasion of Raw, why Batista really left the WWE,  Miz winning his title back, and of coarse the biggest story in wresting at the moment... Danielson let go by the 'E!

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The NXT Season Uno Rookies started off Raw to address the WWE Universe (which I am beginning to hate that term usage, just say fans) about their actions from the previous week. They did not apologize but instead demanded full WWE contracts. I see this to only be fair since they were the only reason we even discussed a boring 3 hour Raw last week. Bret Hart not only refused but fired Barrett and kicked them out of the building. When will Bret learn. You never poke an angry dog. Cena called them out because he's "All-Mighty" and needed help from all the other Superstars in the back to fight them off. It was the Raw roster proving that you can't come in and take over their turf.

Just when we thought this whole thing was resolved, the 'rooks showed up backstage and kidnapped Hart by throwing him into the back of a limo. Then some crazed limo driver who apparently took drivers ed from Stevie Wonder. At first I thought, who the fuck is driving out of control, only to be discovered that demolishing multi car's brake lights was part of the plan. The 'rooks then pulled Hart out of the car and demanded they be given their contracts no later than the pay per view this Sunday. This story was a nice way to end the show even though beating down Hart with multiple chair shots would have been much more effective. Apparently the back seat of a limousine is not the best place to be during a rear-end collision. Good to know.

Apparently Dave Batista aka The Animal was quoted as saying he left the company because he was unhappy with the direction the company was going, and that it wasn't the wrestling that he enjoyed. It saddens me to hear Batista feel that way because his last run as a heel before his departure was the best I had seen him since his days in Evolution. I was never a fan of the lovable, best friend Dave that many enjoyed watching. Someone his size and look work so much better as a bully. Also, with Dave getting up there in age, I'd think he would have preferred the PG era of WWE since they matches are not as grueling or risky (physically) as they were back in the attitude era. Now I agree that the writing has been lacking for some time but every wrestling promotion goes through phases with poor writing. (That's a shot at TNA's creative writers to be honest.) 

The Miz won "his" United States Championship back during a fatal 4way match on Raw after Morrison hit star-ship pain on R-Truth. I love how Miz won this match but this should have been added to the pay per view this Sunday. Now apparently it's going to be a one-on-one match with Truth and the Miz this Sunday. I'm surprised the 'E would have a non-gimmick match during a gimmick ppv. Oh how shocked my country ass can get.

Finally... The American Dragon has come back to The Indys? So apparently there is a unwritten rule that you cannot choke "a bitch" out on national television all because of the Benoit tragedy. Other than Vince himself must have been aware of this rule because Daniel Bryan Bryan Danielson choked out ring announced Justin Roberts with his own tie. 

As far as the reports have been stated, someone "higher up" complained about the incident since its PG tv and all which gave Vince no choice but to give him his pink slip. Don't get too sad Danielson fans. Bryan already has multiple independent bookings for the month of July. All shows are non-tv though because that would go against his 90 day non-compete clause of coarse. A lot of people are angry about this but I have a gut feeling that The American Dragon will back on our tv sets by SummerSlam. Vince isn't stpuid. He's not going to let TNA swoop this guy up and have Danielson vs Wolfe matches on free tv because if that happens, Hogan just reeled me in every Thursday night.

Well that's all for this weeks edition. Until Next Time...
... I'm Just Sayin!

Monday Night NXT Mayhem

Hello one and all and welcome to another end of the week edition of the Daily Slam. In this post, I will give my thoughts on the NXT invasion at the end of Raw, Kane's determination to find his brother's attacker, why Viewer's Choice Raw was a let down, and season two of NXT's rookies has begun.

Without further ado... The Daily Slam!

All the buzz this week among fellow rasslin' fans is the beat down that the Season Uno NXT contestants handed CM Punk, Luke Gallows, the ring announcers, the bell ringer dude, a few other ringside employees and the WWE Champion himself, John Cena. I'm still in shock that Cena didn't beat down every one of those fellow rookies by himself because if I'm not mistaken, Cena "never gives up". The fact that these men made such an impact and leaves us all scratching our heads means the creative team has finally done something right. Daniel Bryan actually spit in the leader of C-Nation's face which is epic on so many levels. If this new faction continues to dominate top stars in the WWE, it will make Raw (and hopefully SmackDown) must see television like it was during the attitude era. Barrett, Bryan, and Otunga could lead this group of newcomers to all new levels and with the injury bug hitting the 'E roster hard, this is a much needed story-line.

To continue with this past Raw, it was supposed to be a historic night with us, the viewers, picking certain stipulations. Talk about a lousy show on all levels. It was so bland that I found myself flipping over to re-runs of comedy sitcoms. On a side note, can you believe that the show Seinfeld has made $2.7 BILLION since the show stopped making new episodes 12 years ago. Talk about the greatest show making serious bank off of replays. Back to Raw, I actually voted on a few matches myself but ultimately was let down when I saw Khali & Hornswoggle walk down to the ring. I mean come on WWE Universe! I want to see the Harts get revenge on the Uso's not a giant and a midget wrestle. Anyways, this gimmick Raw was a let down on so many levels and at least the rookie invasion made up for what could have been the worst Raw in recent history. Monday will be must see tv since nothing was answered on SmackDown.

Since the Undertaker was taken out by a mystery person, Kane is on a rampage to find the assaultant. This is the best promo work I have seen from the Big Red Machine in a long time and it makes me happy to see him get some good mic work. Kane has been on the losing end for the past few years and I always thought he deserved more credit for his past feuds and in ring work. Up until his de-masking, Kane was considered one of the top feared opponents in the ring and hasn't been at that same level since. Let's hope its not revealed to be Kane as the one to take out his brother because that story has been done to death. When the Deadman returns, I hope we witness more of the brothers of destruction and take over SD as they both deserve some good spotlight before they head into the sunset for good.

Finally, Season II of NXT started on Tuesday with fresh faces on both sides (except The Miz because he's "Awesome!"). To be honest, I only care to watch Kaval since he is a legend already and Alex Riley has must curiosity since he is reigning FCW Champion has has a good gimmick to mash with Miz. Cottonwood will be a bust even though he has size and Husky Harris will make it to the end because of his father (IRS) I assume. I'm not a fan of Team LayCool being paired with Kaval but him being on SmackDown carrying their titles gives me more assurance he will be the winner of this final season.

Until Next Time...
I'm Just Sayin!

NXT Season 1 Winner

I have returned to write another post of insight and deep thoughts on the world of professional wrestling. This week's post I reflect on Wade Barrett winning the first season of NXT, should Daniel Bryan get a spot on the Raw roster, new tag team to challenge the Harts, and the participants of Fatal Four way so far.

Welcome to the Daily Slam!

On Tuesday night, we were down to the last three participants of NXT; Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and David Otunga. Jericho's protege was awarded the winner and it was well deserving. He has all the qualities that a rookie needs to jump right into a mid to upper card title picture. Barrett is not a body builder, not a pretty boy and sure as hell doesn't fit that collegiate wrestler persona. He is a fighter. A punch you in the mouth for spilling his beer in a bar kinda fighter. If you mix the Brooklyn Brawler with Hardcore Holly and add Paul Burchill's voice you'd get Wade Barrett (just more potential). I hope he adapts well to the Raw roster and becomes one of the the top heels since they needs someone to fill in the loss of Batista.

Daniel Bryan defeated The Miz on Raw which in my mind means he deserves a spot on the Raw show. The Miz has had a string of bad luck lately but I like to see how he hasn't lost any respect from the WWE fans. Daniel Bryan is showing that it was just a fluke that he didn't perform well on NXT and he should not be disrespected. The whole Michael Cole feud is also building great interest within the company as well. Cole is becoming that great "heel" commentator and Bryan can gain huge momentum by being the one to shut him up. I don't care for Cole's charecter behind the desk but I like him getting involved in the rind in some capacity. It feels like the complete opposite of Austin/Jim Ross relationship which could be very entertaining.

The Uso family cut a nice promo on Raw and took out the Hart family for the 2nd week in row. I bet some of those NXT rookies wish they had that opportunity. To be honest, I would have preferred the tag team to be on SmackDown since that show is more of a "wrestling" show. I don't see the Uso's to win the titles anytime soon but the more tag teams the better. Also, big props to Tamina who got some serious height from the top rope before slamming into Natalya.

The Fatal Four Way ppv is taking its shape and the top two championships have their contenders. Orton, Edge, and Sheamus will try to take the WWE Title away from Cena. Punk, Taker, and Big Show will try to dethrone Jack Swagger of his HeavyWeight Title. Tonight on SD though, the Undertaker will be taken out of the match due to injury and is being replaced by Rey Mysterio. I'd prefer Christian or Kane to get a shot here but I guess Rey is the next logical choice. This pay per view is just bad timing since Orton is also banged up and won't see any action until the night of the match-up. This is just another example of why the WWE should cut back to fewer ppv's or go back to branded ones. Some of these veterans are becoming too overworked and the need for the younger guys to be in the upper card is becoming even greater.

Until Next Time...
I'm Just Sayin!
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