Is He or Isn't He?

Bryan Danielson. Fired.

After a decade of wrestling on the indy circuit developing his skills and reputation Bryan Danielson had finally made it to the big time, he made it to the WWE. The man many consider to be the greatest technical wrestler of all time had finally come to the big stage.

However, many were worried that his look, size and promo style would be held against him and that he'd have to limit his in ring abilities to suit the brass and the announcement that The Miz would be his pro mentor on NXT seem to justify those fears. Then something happened. He debuted.

The first episode of NXT Bryan Danielson made his debut starting a rivalry with his pro and facing against the world heavyweight champion Chris Jericho, while the champ was preparing to defend his title at the biggest show of the year no less. It became clear that the WWE had big plans for the rechristened Daniel Bryan. Immediately being placed in the two high profile story lines on NXT feuding against The Miz and Micheal Cole, having competitive matches against major stars Chris Jericho and Dave Batista and even having his indy past referenced to an unprecedented extent. Inspire of a losing streak, he seemed to be on the way of becoming WWEs next breakout star.

Last Monday, all of the NXT rookies(including Bryan) attacked John Cena, the SES and the surrounding ring personal to start one of the most surprising and promising story lines in a long time. Then Friday we got another surprise Bryan had been fired.

Many wondered if Bryan's firing was a work. The reason he was fired seemed suspicious. Even if that was against the rules wouldn't they have just suspended him instead of firing their newest star walk and go to TNA. If it is a work then many higher ups in the WWE aren't in on it as they too seem to be surprised.

I believe that it is a work. I believe Vince McMahon and Bryan Danielson have an agreement in place where Bryan is officially fired but will return. Let's look at the evidence. First with regards to Bryan the WWE has been fucking with the fans since the beginning, naming him Daniel Bryan and pairing him with the Miz. Since debuting on NXT they have discussed his indy background in a way that they never have for anyone else and during the show he worked many promos that had a shoot feel to them blurring the line between kayfabe and reality. Also his entire career he has been compared to Chris Benoit and this NXT storyline has shades of Benoits group the Radicals and now him being fired as a result of a rule created after the Benoit tragedy that no one has ever herd of before now seems fishy.

This incident has gotten people talking and that's how you make a star. Like Edge's affair with Lita and Matt Hardy's firing/rehiring catapulted Edge to superheeldom this could make Bryan a major face when he in a huge surprise returns and confronts his fellow NXT rookies for kicking him out of the group.

Even if he was fired for real it's obvious he'll be back and lets hope that if that is the case then Vince quickly comes to his senses and resigns him.


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