The Invasion Continues...

Hello one and all and welcome to another end of the week edition of The Daily Slam. In this post, I will give my thoughts on the continuation of the NXT Season I invasion of Raw, why Batista really left the WWE,  Miz winning his title back, and of coarse the biggest story in wresting at the moment... Danielson let go by the 'E!

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

The NXT Season Uno Rookies started off Raw to address the WWE Universe (which I am beginning to hate that term usage, just say fans) about their actions from the previous week. They did not apologize but instead demanded full WWE contracts. I see this to only be fair since they were the only reason we even discussed a boring 3 hour Raw last week. Bret Hart not only refused but fired Barrett and kicked them out of the building. When will Bret learn. You never poke an angry dog. Cena called them out because he's "All-Mighty" and needed help from all the other Superstars in the back to fight them off. It was the Raw roster proving that you can't come in and take over their turf.

Just when we thought this whole thing was resolved, the 'rooks showed up backstage and kidnapped Hart by throwing him into the back of a limo. Then some crazed limo driver who apparently took drivers ed from Stevie Wonder. At first I thought, who the fuck is driving out of control, only to be discovered that demolishing multi car's brake lights was part of the plan. The 'rooks then pulled Hart out of the car and demanded they be given their contracts no later than the pay per view this Sunday. This story was a nice way to end the show even though beating down Hart with multiple chair shots would have been much more effective. Apparently the back seat of a limousine is not the best place to be during a rear-end collision. Good to know.

Apparently Dave Batista aka The Animal was quoted as saying he left the company because he was unhappy with the direction the company was going, and that it wasn't the wrestling that he enjoyed. It saddens me to hear Batista feel that way because his last run as a heel before his departure was the best I had seen him since his days in Evolution. I was never a fan of the lovable, best friend Dave that many enjoyed watching. Someone his size and look work so much better as a bully. Also, with Dave getting up there in age, I'd think he would have preferred the PG era of WWE since they matches are not as grueling or risky (physically) as they were back in the attitude era. Now I agree that the writing has been lacking for some time but every wrestling promotion goes through phases with poor writing. (That's a shot at TNA's creative writers to be honest.) 

The Miz won "his" United States Championship back during a fatal 4way match on Raw after Morrison hit star-ship pain on R-Truth. I love how Miz won this match but this should have been added to the pay per view this Sunday. Now apparently it's going to be a one-on-one match with Truth and the Miz this Sunday. I'm surprised the 'E would have a non-gimmick match during a gimmick ppv. Oh how shocked my country ass can get.

Finally... The American Dragon has come back to The Indys? So apparently there is a unwritten rule that you cannot choke "a bitch" out on national television all because of the Benoit tragedy. Other than Vince himself must have been aware of this rule because Daniel Bryan Bryan Danielson choked out ring announced Justin Roberts with his own tie. 

As far as the reports have been stated, someone "higher up" complained about the incident since its PG tv and all which gave Vince no choice but to give him his pink slip. Don't get too sad Danielson fans. Bryan already has multiple independent bookings for the month of July. All shows are non-tv though because that would go against his 90 day non-compete clause of coarse. A lot of people are angry about this but I have a gut feeling that The American Dragon will back on our tv sets by SummerSlam. Vince isn't stpuid. He's not going to let TNA swoop this guy up and have Danielson vs Wolfe matches on free tv because if that happens, Hogan just reeled me in every Thursday night.

Well that's all for this weeks edition. Until Next Time...
... I'm Just Sayin!


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