NXT Season 1 Winner

I have returned to write another post of insight and deep thoughts on the world of professional wrestling. This week's post I reflect on Wade Barrett winning the first season of NXT, should Daniel Bryan get a spot on the Raw roster, new tag team to challenge the Harts, and the participants of Fatal Four way so far.

Welcome to the Daily Slam!

On Tuesday night, we were down to the last three participants of NXT; Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and David Otunga. Jericho's protege was awarded the winner and it was well deserving. He has all the qualities that a rookie needs to jump right into a mid to upper card title picture. Barrett is not a body builder, not a pretty boy and sure as hell doesn't fit that collegiate wrestler persona. He is a fighter. A punch you in the mouth for spilling his beer in a bar kinda fighter. If you mix the Brooklyn Brawler with Hardcore Holly and add Paul Burchill's voice you'd get Wade Barrett (just more potential). I hope he adapts well to the Raw roster and becomes one of the the top heels since they needs someone to fill in the loss of Batista.

Daniel Bryan defeated The Miz on Raw which in my mind means he deserves a spot on the Raw show. The Miz has had a string of bad luck lately but I like to see how he hasn't lost any respect from the WWE fans. Daniel Bryan is showing that it was just a fluke that he didn't perform well on NXT and he should not be disrespected. The whole Michael Cole feud is also building great interest within the company as well. Cole is becoming that great "heel" commentator and Bryan can gain huge momentum by being the one to shut him up. I don't care for Cole's charecter behind the desk but I like him getting involved in the rind in some capacity. It feels like the complete opposite of Austin/Jim Ross relationship which could be very entertaining.

The Uso family cut a nice promo on Raw and took out the Hart family for the 2nd week in row. I bet some of those NXT rookies wish they had that opportunity. To be honest, I would have preferred the tag team to be on SmackDown since that show is more of a "wrestling" show. I don't see the Uso's to win the titles anytime soon but the more tag teams the better. Also, big props to Tamina who got some serious height from the top rope before slamming into Natalya.

The Fatal Four Way ppv is taking its shape and the top two championships have their contenders. Orton, Edge, and Sheamus will try to take the WWE Title away from Cena. Punk, Taker, and Big Show will try to dethrone Jack Swagger of his HeavyWeight Title. Tonight on SD though, the Undertaker will be taken out of the match due to injury and is being replaced by Rey Mysterio. I'd prefer Christian or Kane to get a shot here but I guess Rey is the next logical choice. This pay per view is just bad timing since Orton is also banged up and won't see any action until the night of the match-up. This is just another example of why the WWE should cut back to fewer ppv's or go back to branded ones. Some of these veterans are becoming too overworked and the need for the younger guys to be in the upper card is becoming even greater.

Until Next Time...
I'm Just Sayin!


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