Cena To Face Consequences

Hello one and all and welcome to another end of the week edition of The Daily Slam. In this post, I will give my thoughts on Cena disobeying the mystery GM, the Money In The Bank ppv, Serena committed a straight edge no-no, and how Christian could be facing a heel turn.

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

At the conclusion of Raw, Wade Barrett were supposed to shake hands and call a truce between them. Cena declines to Wade's proposition to bury the hatchet and instead sets him up for the FU. Nexus then runs in to ruin the party followed by some of the Raw roster to help out. The only two left standing was Cena and his black twin removed from birth. The mystery GM via email tells Cena to stop this madness or he will face consequences. Apparently Cena doesn't listen Michael Cole or his laptop which leads to Cena locking Young in the STF. The GM then orders Cena vs the entire Nexus group next week which follows John to lead a crazy rampage of a beat down on Darren Young. He leaves him lying on the ground with the announcer table flipped over his lifeless body. Cena is entering into a anti-authority figure meat head role here and if the WWE isn't careful, it's going to lead into a non-PG show. I mean who wouldn't want to see Cena vs Black Cena in a first blood match? Then they can test DNA samples and reunite the separated family members.

The MITB PPV is only weeks away and most of the participants have been added. The Raw match looks much different than the SD one. On one hand, you have Edge, Orton, and Jericho whom all are former champions. I can honestly see one of those three top competitors walking away the victor and holding a "anytime/anywhere" title bout. The Big Show & Kane are the only former champs in the Smackdown match and I don't think neither are favorites to win the briefcase. It appears that damage to R-Truth's arm as a result of a ruthless Miz beat-down will leave him out of the match and open a vacant spot for a new participant. I say they have a Nexus battle royal to insert one of those guys.

The beautiful and yet bald diva, Serena, was caught in a bar drinking some "poison" which is a big time slap on the wrist when it comes to Straight-Edge living. CM Punk has since forgiven her as she was able to prove to Kane that Punk was not the Undetaker's culprit. Punk wasn't too happy about people knowing about her "sin" but it the long run it will help keep him safe from the Big Red Machine. Luke Gallows on the other hand is not too happy. It looks like Gallows lives by the strike one and your out rule. Tensions are beginning to flare up withing SES and a possible break-up is on the horizon. One of the best stories on tv and yet the WWE only talks about Nexus.

Christian wants to win the briefcase so bad that it appears he will break friendships to do so. Him and Matt Hardy first had a confrontation on the Peep Show then this last SD he walked out on his tag partner mid match leaving him to the wolves. I hope this is just a short term rip in his character because forming a heel Christian would only leave the possibility of Edge vs. Christian at Mania to very low odds. Also, once Rey does take his much needed time off to heal up, Christian could take place as a top face on Friday nights and contend for the title. It's only what we've all wanted since he rejoined the 'E.

Until Next Time.... 

  ... I'm Just Sayin!


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