Money In The Bank Preview

This Sunday, the WWE is taking their fan favorite concept match from WrestleMania and forming it's very own Pay Per View gimmick. The Money In The Bank matches have given us some of the greatest "Oh My God!" moments and has been a launching pad for so many young stars. Would Edge, CM Punk, and the latest winner Jack Swagger been given such a huge push without their victories? Who's to say. But by holding a  briefcase that grants them a championship match at anytime & anywhere, it's the perfect opportunity to win a top title. Will Edge or Punk once again walk out victorious or will a new main eventer be born by standing tall on top of the ladder? My Pay Per View Predictions...

The Hart Dynasty(c) vs. The Usos
 This feud has been dragged out so much as of late and hopefully this match ends the sharade. The Uso's are the new bullies on the block and even though are very talented on the mic, they haven't shown anything too special in the ring (at least in tv matches). The only way I see the Harts dropping the titles is a.) Tamina gets involved and the finish is dirty or b.) the 'E wants the a rematch to happen at SummerSlam. I still lean towards the Harts and the beautiful Natie to pull of the 'W'.
Winner- The Hart Dynasty

Alicia Fox(c) vs. Eve
Apparently the WWE is really big on Alicia's work and look. Tall, beautiful, and bad ass finishing move. It doesn't really matter who walks away the winner because Melina will be back any day now and she's top diva in my book. I'll say Fox pulls out a foxy finish.
 Winner- Alicia Fox

Layla(c) vs. Kelly Kelly
I don't get how they announce them as co-champions on SmackDown but yet Layla has to defend her title solo. Doesn't seem fair. I hate to see LayCool lose the gold but Kelly Kelly is so over with the crowd that they don't even remember Mickie James anymore. Layla should retain but this will be my shocker of the night.
Winner- Kelly Kelly

Diva Break...

Rey Mysterio(c) vs. Jack Swagger
Rey suprised us all by winning the title at Fatal 4Way since he's was rumored to be taking time off to heal up. By having the masked warrior winning, it seems that Rey is healthy enough for a title run and I don't see any reason for him to lose the gold right back to Swagger. If the Undertaker was to return next month then I'd say Swagger wins here so they could feud. If Rey drops the belt then it was a poor choice for him to win in the first place.
Winner- Rey Mysterio

Sheamus(c) vs. John Cena
The somewhat boring guy vs jar of mayonnaise. I would prefer seeing Sheamus walk into SummerSlam the champion but without Cena in the main event could lower buy-rates for the WWE. Having Sheamus lose the title would make his second reign look even more like a fluke then his first did. I say let the young cat walk into the Summer's biggest stage as the champion to see if he has what it takes to become top heel. And if this match is last on the card, maybe a suprise "cash in" could happen and a first time champ could be crowned. That'd shock the hell out of some fans.
Winner- Sheamus

Randy Orton vs. John Morrison vs. Mark Henry vs. Evan Bourne vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. The Miz
This is the more top "dogs" match and will probably be less hardcore than the SD version but after seeing Orton RKO Bourne mid-air, I think this match could the better of the two. All these guys will probably hit their finisher atlerast once if not multiple times. Randy doesn't need a briefcase for a title shot, he's the viper and does what he wants anyways. Morrison is almost there but winning won't put him over. Henry doesn't have a shot in the dark. Bourne is a rising star in the company and his stock keeps growing in popularity. I could him winning only to be the first MITB holder to lose when he cashes in. DiBiase would look good holding a gold briefcase and rub it in everyone's face. Plus, Maryse gives him an upper hand in my book. Jericho, like Orton, really doesn't need to win since he's always a contender. Also Y2J might be taking time off this fall to tour with Fozzy so it doesn't make much sense for him. This leave Edge and Miz. My two favorites to be victorious for different reasons. Edge because he has mastered this type of match and has made "cashing in the briefcase" so damn interesting. I mean, there is a reason he's called the Ultimate Opportunist. The Miz on the other hand, with the win, would bump up to the next level which is where he needs to be as a legitimate threat for the WWE Championship on any night. He's done everything correct in the 'E since his arrival and I think it's his time. He's almost followed the footsteps of Edge in a sense. I think Edge has the best odds of winning but I'm going with the "Awesome" one.
 Winner- The Miz

Big Show vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Kane vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler
Even though this match has two "big guys" involved, there will be some serious high flying spots. With Hardy, Christian, and Kingston all being big time risk takers, this match will make it worth spending the money. I don't think it will steal the show but these guys will put on one hell of a performance. I can cross off Matt Hardy and Ziggler since neither are in any spot to deserve a title match. Rhodes also seems like a very unlikely winner even though he is Dashing. The Big Show falls in that same category of guys who really don't need to hold a briefcase for a Championship bout.  This leaves Christian, Kingston, and McIntyre. Kingston is a top face on the blue brand but I think still has a long run  of IC Champ before his big break. McIntyre is the so-called "Chosen One" so it could make sense for him and I prefer heels holding a title contract because their mischievous. But, I have to say not only does Christian look like the odds on favorite but damn it, he deserves to win. Ever since returning to WWE, he has put on some of the best matches, put over plenty of younger talent ala Sheamus and Swagger, and has always been in most fans eyes as a top contender. He no longer deserves to be treated like the Jannety of E&C and needs his own spotlight. By winning and cashing it in on Raw against Edge (if he was champ) would be one of the greatest moments in the 'E's history. If Rey leaves due to injury soon, Christian could take over as a top face on SD other than the Taker. There are so many possibilities with Captain Charisma winning that I don't see why Vince wouldn't want him to. He's my choice and I'll be royally pissed if he doesn't walk out vivtorious.
Winner- Christian

Until Next Time...
... I'm Just Sayin!


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