The Nexus Runs Wild

Hello one and all and welcome to another edition of The Daily Slam. This week I do a quick recap of Raw with my take on story-lines, what's expected this Sunday, and other tidbits going on in the sports entertainment business.

Let's get started...

Throughout this week's edition of Raw, The Nexus had confrontations with Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, and John Morrison all backstage. Inevitably all three were beat down like little bitches to prove a point that Nexus will take out anyone that they feel deserve it. There's nothing like a good 6 on 1 ass whooping followed by them standing over you in dominant fashion. I see where they want to make Nexus look unstoppable but backstage beat downs are not the way to do it. They should interrupt matches or even right after a bout has ended and just beat the living piss out the wrestlers in the ring. The WWE is doing a good job building these guys but putting them in front of the audience instead of the titan-tron would come off much better. The final match ended with Nexus beating John Cena in a handicap match. Having the faction win was the right choice and it makes Nexus look dominant even though it was six on one.

With the help from the Miz, R-Truth was replaced in Raw's Money In The Bank ladder match by Mark Henry. Not sure if that's best pick on the roster but it does give that match their "big guy" which means people working together to take him out. Well that's what you'd imagine but the Miz proved he can do this on his own followed by tossing garbage all over his body. With all the other contenders having their own mini feuds; Edge/Orton, Jericho/Bourne, Morrison/DiBiase, I don't see how Miz isn't the hands down favorite to win the briefcase.

Diva Break...

Speaking of mini-feuds leading into MITB, the Randy Orton vs Edge match on Raw did not disappoint. The heel got the victory via help from another heel. This followed by Jericho taking out Edge with the Codebreaker followed by Orton taking out Jericho finished with Bourne hitting attempting a Shooting Star Press but was caught mid-air by the Viper who delivered a vicious RKO. With this shocking maneuver, Orton just won himself a Slammy award.

Other Rasslin' News...

It has been confirmed that Triple H had surgery on his arm recently which may delay his return. With SummerSlam next month, I doubt the King of Kings will be facing off against Sheamus as expected. This is good and bad news. The good is that this means the continuation of newer stars are the main focus going into the Summer's biggest show like Sheamus, Evan Bourne, and Nexus. The bad is that with him and Taker both on the shelf, can these young guys be enough to draw in the buy rates that the WWE needs to make a profit. Oh hell what do I care, I love seeing Sheamus and Jack Swagger in title matches.

Melina has been cleared to step back into the four sided ring. She was supposed to return the other day in OVW but was told she would not be on the card. I don't see her being left off of tv for too much longer. They can only have so many matches involving Gail Kim, Eve, Alicia Fox, and Maryse. Or can they?!?! Melina returning is a blessing from God for all of us. And with that news...

Diva Break...

The WWE has yet to announce any more guest hosts for Raw for the month of July. Even though that is in itself great news, they posted on their website that the guest host concept will continue. I don't know if the WWE just doesn't have the time/writing for the guest hosts right now or not enough "celebs" want to be part of the show. I think a little time off from this idea is a good thing so they can focus more on the build towards SummerSlam. I haven't noticed an increase in tv ratings lately so maybe the concept has run it's course. At least until they get the Rock to agree for a one time appearance.

Semi-Spoilers Alert; on this week's edition of Friday Night SmackDown... CM Punk gets his masked ripped off by the Big Show, which in my book means must see television! Also, Jack Swagger has a special guest accompany him to the ring but it doesn't end well.

Well that is all for this week. I will post my Money In The Bank Pay-Per-View predictions tomorrow. I leave you with one last diva picture.

I just couldn't resist posting a Trish Stratus performing Yoga pic. I miss her so much.

Until Next Time... 

... I'm Just Sayin!


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