Money.In.The. Bank.

Money in the Bank has been a highlight of every WrestleMania of the past 5 years. This match has given us some of our biggest stars and most spectacular moments. Like King of the Ring before it, it has catapulted many mid carders to super stardom. In fact, it has a 100% of the time in so much as every individual who has cashed in their money in the bank briefcase won a would championship.

However, I would be remiss if I didn't point out a few things. While an amazing concept match, I feel having giving it its own ppv is a mistake. A large part of the MITB's greatness was that you never knew when it was going to be cashed in or which champion it would be cashed in on and having two at the same time may add to some fun moments but I feel ultimately would kill some of the suspense. Besides, wouldn't it have been more prudent to have a war games ppv instead where team Cena fights team Nexus.Now for the predictions.


This match makes me sad for the tag division. The Uso's have been great since their debut, same with the Hart Dynasty. Still, you cant have a solid division with just two teams. I'll go with the hart dynasty on this one because I feel the belts will get caught up in the nexus storyline and there aren't really any face teams to challenge the USO's

Winners: Better then the best.


It's kinda remarkable that this match doesn't feature a blond. The diva division on Raw may feature the most diversity of any division in all of pro wrestling history. Alica Fox needs a win, but i don't think the wwe really cares.

Winner: Eve by DQ

WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Layla(c) vs. Kelly Kelly

Wow, 2 women's matches on one card, Let's see if combined they'll get 5 minutes. After the draft, I was excited for the smackdown woman's division. It looked like they started to care. That didn't exactly pan out. Still, they've done an all right job building to this match so let's see what happens.

Winner: Layla



Jack Swagger was robbed by the masked man. Now, he gets his title back. This is going to be a nice juxtaposition of styles with Swagger's size and armature background and Mysterio's speed and power of flight. Swagger should win here,but I'm counting on a non finish and for Swagger to reclaim his title at Summerslam.

Winner: The 6!!!! 1!!!!! 9!!!!!


I really can't tell you. It .could go either way. We may even get a third participant. We may get a face turn for Sheamus. It's all really about Nexus. Yea.

Winner: Sheamus?

RAW MONEY IN THE BANK LADDER MATCH: Randy Orton vs. John Morrison vs. Mark Henry vs. Evan Bourne vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. The Miz

Orton: Has his feud with Edge and has Bourne out for him. Would be perfect person to have something like MITB, you'll never know when he will strike.

John Morrison; My personal favorite for this match and he should spectacular in it. He's in the same spot where Edge and Punk was when they first won threes. Still, I don't think Vince sees it as his time.

Mark Henry: He may end up winning just as a WTF moment and he wouldn't exactly be a bad person to hold it.

Evan Bourne: Coming in with some momentum and part of me thinks he'll win. Even if he doesn't this could be a star making performance for him, just call him Shelton Benjamin 2010.

Ted DiBiase Jr.: Big match for him, but I don't see him winning. Then again who saw swagger winning.

Jericho: Chris Jericho with the briefcase would be a lot of fun. He doesn't need it, but hey why not?

Edge: Poor Edge. He's been in two feuds this year that should have been great but both have underperformed. Not to take away from his history with Money in the bank because no one has more history with this then him, but both Orton and Jericho have beef with him and every1 else sees him as the #1 threat. Still, if there's an opportunity open...

The Miz: The only reason the miz won't win is because it would be obvious. This is his night.

Winner: Hard match to call as in everyone could win, but I have to go with the Miz.

SMACKDOWN MONEY IN THE BANK LADDER MATCH: Big Show vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Kane vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler

Big Show: Seriously, do they have a latter that wont break? Dose he even need one? I like show I was excited to see him get a title shot when he came to Smackdown, but I don't see him winning.

Matt Hardy: My initial instinct is no chance in hell, but if he will ever get a shot at the main event this is it.

Christian: My personal favorite for this match. Smackdown could use another main eventer and it's his time and his kind of match. He has shown the same kind of heelish attitude Edge had when he first won the briefcase.

Kofi: Should be great int his kind of environment and the wwe has shown this guy some love so he could very well win this here.

Cody Rhodes: I like his solo run better than his former partner and but I don't see him winning.

Kane: One of the most underrated guys in the biz, but his time in the main event I think is over.
Drew McIntyre: Apparently being the chosen one is not just a gimmick as he was apparently scheduled to win MitB at mania and here before his visa troubles. I think it would be a mistake to give Drew this kind of push now.
Dolph Ziggler: Poor guy can't seem to catch a break. He's got all the tools to be a star and this would be the perfect chance to give him a shot.
Winner: Christian


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