#1 Contender Concept

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Last nights 3 hour edition of Raw with Jesse "The Governor" (because The Body isn't cool enough to say) Ventura was one of most dynamic and interesting one in quite some time. I have always admired and respected the man for his independent views on politics and going against the ordinary life style he lives. Then he does it again with an amazing concept to livin up the show. Jesse says he's tired of seeing the same guys getting title shots and he isn't the only one. His Breakthrough Battle Royal Qualifying Matches and the Battle Royal to be #1 contender brought about some amazing matches and kept me entertained for the complete 3 hours.

Now we all know we can't have these kind of matches after every pay per view so this has myself and TheApostateoftheAgeofPisces brainstorming of a new concept to award a new #1 contender. It's almost like the wwe.com's Power Rankings. Every brand would have it's own #1 Contender Rankings. So for example as it would stand right, November 24th '09, Sheamus would hold the #1 spot on the list. The only way to become the #1 contender would be to challenge him for his spot but only if you were ranked at #2. They could do this with the top 5 and this could also help build small feuds. The superstar in the fifth spot can only advance up the ladder by defeating the number 4, 3, and 2 wrestlers on the list.

Now what about the Champion? If he loses his belt he automatically becomes #1 Contender. This doesn't mean he is guaranteed a title shot because he would have to defend that spot against #2. This means no more rematch clause. This concept would help keep things fresh for the championship titles. I guess I'm just really tired of seeing these wrestlers granted title shots by the guest hosts for no apparent reason (you know who I'm talking about).

Until Next Time..


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