Wrestler of the Year '09

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As the year comes closer to its ending point we start reflecting on what has happened in the wrestling business for the year 2009. With the Slammy Awards right around the corner I ponder on who could be win some of this year's prestigious awards. I will have a Slammy Awards Prediction post when all the categories are announced but for this article I want to reflect on one individual who has single handily carried the WWE this year. This man won the Wrestler of the Year Slammy in '08 and could, and should, walk away with it again this year. The man I am talking about is the the Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla, Chris Jericho.

Jericho has perfected his heel gimmick and has had some of the best promo workings I have seen in a very long time. Yes he has always been amazing on the mic but this year he has gone above and beyond to even make the other people in the promos look better. Let's not forget his amazing feuds and title reigns. He played the perfect ego maniac wrestler dissing the old timers when he embarrassed Piper, Snuka, Steamboat, and even Flair. We all know most, if not all, of them couldn't hold their own in the ring today but Jericho managed to carry their old wrinkly asses all around squared circle and put on terrific performances. You can even give Y2J credit for Big Show's solid bounce back year by those two holding the Unified Tag Titles since July. They make the perfect brain and brawn team. Jericho also had that incredible feud with Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Title earlier in the year that helped SmackDown become the more superior show. I'm sure those two will be nominated for Best Match Slammy for one of their countless altercations.

Chris Jericho has gone above and beyond for the WWE this year and deserves more credit than he received last year. He has carried not only SD for most of '09 but also Raw since he can appear on both brands while he carries Tag Team gold around his waist (and the other on his shoulder). The man even took a punch from Bob Barker, and Mickey Rourke, on national tv and that alone deserves a standing ovation for his dedication to the wrestling business. Hate him or love him, Chris Jericho is the reason people tune in every Monday and Friday nights. This future Hall of Fame inductee is the wrestler of the year in my book. Just when you think he's done it all, he pulls something else out of his sleeve.

Until Next Time...


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