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Back In the late 90's we were witnessing the greatest time on television for professional wrestling. The two biggest wrestling promotions were fighting for the tv ratings and creating new stars at the same time. I'm not going to get into this feud between WWF/E and WCW too much since we all know and watched these events. Now going into the 2010 decade, the WWE rules with an iron fist over any other wrestling promotion out there. TNA has its good pay per views but lacks star power and fan base.ROH and Dragons Gate has young and amazingly talented wrestlers that unfortunately don't get paid enough for their abilities. That is why they leave after they make an name for themselves to earn the big bucks on the higher two wrestling businesses.

The biggest problem going for the WWE right now is their lack of good storylines and not developing new stars. I think the reason for this is not the talent but the lack of creativity. Most creative ideas come from aggressive competition or deadlines. When you have to compete with other promotions you are forced to go above and beyond, out of the box, and accomplish the unpredictable. This is why the WWE needs for TNA to be become more competitive with them. I think the WWE could benefit from TNA moving Impact to Monday nights and even starting a second show on either Tuesday or Thursday. Now that Hulkamania is going to be running wild on TNA, this could boost their fan base a little bit and help persuade Dixie Carter to look into moving their only weekly episodic show to Mondays to compete with the E.

If this should happen in the next few years, I can see the WWE being forced to convert back to the PG-13 rated show because people want things like they were back in the attitude era. Fans are becoming bored with the same drawn out feuds that the WWE is producing. It's not like TNA is any better but at least they have a few young guys to keep things fresh. AJ Styles, Daniels, and Samoa Joe could possibly be as good as Stone Cold and the Rock when it comes to entertaining if they were used properly. Don't get me wrong, the E has some young guys who have tremendous talent such as CM Punk, Morrison, Miz, and Swagger. The only problem is they have that glass ceiling they have to break through. They almost have to pray the top guys such as HHH, HBK, Cena, and Batista take some time off or get hurt so they get their shot.

WCW vs WWF/E developed great stars such as Stone Cold, The Rock, Goldberg, and Chris Jericho. With Hogan and Bischoff now working with TNA can only mean two things; either TNA will become more successful causing the WWE to produce a better product or they will diminish and the fans will be left with just the E to get their daily wrestling fix. Let's hope this brings back the good ol' days of the Monday Night Wars so we can once again be proud wrestling fans.

Until Next Time...


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