That Other Championship

ECW! ECW! ECW! Those chants were heard loud and clear from the audience back in the mid-90's. It was once a business that prided itself on going above and beyond for the fans. The ECW Championship was the most prestige belt in the company and has been held by some of the greatest entertainers of our time. Superstars like the first title holder Jimmy Snuka, to The Sandman, Sabu, Raven Taz, and even RVD represented the gold to the current and reformed version of WWE ECW with champs such as Bobby Lashley, CM Punk, and Chritstian.

This title was won over blood, sweat and tears back in day in some of the most daredevil matches ever imagined. In our PG Rated day in age of wrestling means less blood is shed but doesn't mean the title has lost it's importance. To some of us who tune-in ever Tuesday to watch the current state of ECW think this belt means more than the others in the WWE. The WWE Championship and the HeavyWeight Title might get more promo time, bigger ppv build-ups, and even recognized as the foundation of the business doesn't mean the ECW title should get over looked like a second rate belt. That title gets defended more than the other two and in my personal opinion has had better title defenses as well. When people complain about seeing only HHH, Orton, or Cena holding the WWE title need to tune in and see how the current ECW might change hands on any given Tuesday. It seems like the title holder is defending the ECW Championship every other week and there is always a #1 contender match on the show or being built-up for next week.

We all know Vince puts ECW on the back burner when it comes to a title defense at pay per views so of course the title needs to be defended on its weekly episodic show. This is better in my eyes because a majority of people don't buy ppv's anymore because of the expensive prices. This gives the show more of that "what will happen tonight" kind of feeling. Many of today's up and coming stars have held the prestigious championship. ECW may not be on the greatest network or even time-slot but the ECW title holds a lot of importance and will continue to get over looked, but for some of us die-hard fans... that's fine with us.


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