WWE"S Triple thre- I mean Survivor Series.

The original branded ppv is upon us. Here are my predictions.

1)Team Mickie (Mickie James, Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly, Melina, and Gail Kim) vs. Team Michelle (Michelle McCool, Jillian Hall, Beth Phoenix, Layla, and Alicia Fox)

Lets start by separating the good from the bad on each team. Melina has been good, Mickie and Gail are both capable but haven't been setting the world on fire as of late and Eve and Kelly Kelly both bring the looks but that's about it. Beth is a god, Michelle McCool and Jillian Hall are both capable and Layla Alica Fox are well ...yeah. Long story short team Michelle is better on paper and should pull off a victory.

2)Team Morrison (John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, and Finlay) vs. Team Miz (The Miz, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger)

Miz is coming into this with a victory will he and his team make it 2 for 2. I think he will. All the members on his team are coming in with some momentum. the Miz obviously coming in off a win over Morrison but also his successful us title reign. Matt Hardy Evan Bourne and Finlay haven't been on a roll lately and Shelton is coming off a loss to Sheamus. On the other hand Drew Sheamus Ziggler and Swagger are coming into this with more momentum.

3)Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Montel Vontavious Porter, Mark Henry, R-Truth, and Christian) vs. Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, CM Punk, and William Regal)

The main advantage team Orton has coming in to this is that they have more experience as a unit. Punk Orton Henry Christian are all former world champions and Regal and Mvp have been in title contention. Kofi dose have momentum R-Truth is picking some up mvp and Henry are gelling as a unit and christian is well christian as well the ecw champion. Ill go with team Kofi here.

4) Batista vs Rey Mysterio

Batista is pissed Rey is injured. This will be brutal and quick and will put Batista over as a monster.

5)John Cena vs HHH vs Shawn Michaels

Will the champ leave as champ or Will the mid life crisis overcome. Shawn hasn't been the most loyal of friends through out his career and HHH has done pretty shitty things to get his double digit title reigns so the doctor of thuganomics is right to bank on dx imploding but how much damage will they do before then. Still I think Dx and Jerrishow have a title match so the champ retains.

6)The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho vs Big Show

Jericho and Show have been a great tag team the past year but now must face each other and the Deadman. I expect show and Jericho to show more unity than dx and may not turn against each other and as cool as it would be to see one of these two as a double champ I see the undertaker retaining.


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