Survivor Series

Well it's that time of year where wrestlers are separated into teams and must compete against each other (normally faces vs heels). Wait didn't that ppv just happen. Hmm..... I think it must be deja vu. These are Erickson's Survivor Series 2009 Pay Per View Predictions.

Team Mickie (Mickie James, Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly, Melina, and Gail Kim) vs. Team Michelle (Michelle McCool, Jillian Hall, Beth Phoenix, Layla, and Alicia Fox)

These diva matches are always the hardest to predict since they really have no meaning on story lines, at least not anymore. I'm leaning towards the good girls to pull out the victory. I hope there is a little tension between Beth and Michelle that could lead into a good feud for the title.
Winner- Team Mickie

Team Morrison (John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, and Finlay) vs. Team Miz (The Miz, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger)
Miz vs Morrison two pay per views in a row can only mean this match ends up being... Awesome! Not sure where Shelton fits into all of this seeing that he is neither face or heel, but it does give a good boost to team Morrison who gets the nod from me for the win.
Winner- Team Morrison

Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Montel Vontavious Porter, Mark Henry, R-Truth, and Christian) vs. Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, CM Punk, and William Regal)
Very unusual team here. The ECW Champion is forced to join the thugs and Punk has nothing to do with anyone on either team. I don't like it when things are thrown together just for convenience. Let's hope we see Orton punt someone... either team... I don't care. We've seen this Orton gets his ass kicked on Raw right before a ppv too many times. RKO to Kofi for the big W. Maybe something like this...

Winner- Team Orton

Batista vs Rey Mysterio
Well this match wasn't built up to it's potential just yet but I think this isn't a one and done kind of feud. It would be better if one of them were holding the title. With this being the only singles match-up on the card, I have a feeling it could have the best performance. Batista needs to win this one in order to develop the heel gimmick to the level it should be at.

John Cena vs HHH vs Shawn Michaels
Awe yes, the match that has no reason to be billed. DX gets a a title shot even though they lost at the last ppv. I can only see the title going to HHH or HBK if they wanted to split them up in the near future. But right before X-Mas when they sell the most merchandise. Not a chance. Cena retains in a most likely boring match.
Winner- John Cena

The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho vs Big Show
This is the toughest call of the night. I'm surprised the Deadman has held the gold this long but maybe his body is in better shape than he leads on. If this match is last on the list than I think there could be a good twist in it. Unfortunately Edge won't be making it three years in a row with a surprising appearance at Survivor Series. Or will he? Dun dun dun. Most likely not, but it would be awesome. I would love to see Y2J walk away the victor to solidify my pick for him to win wrestler of the year. Should be an amazing match and in the end I think the Undertaker pulls of the win via Tombstone Piledriver.
Winner- Undertaker

Until Next Time...
... and now to leave you with a glimmer of hope:


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