Only In 2010

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As the year 2009 comes to an end it brings in new hope for wrestling fans for the next year of entertainment. Let's take a quick recap of what was the year '09 in WWE. HHH, Cena, and Orton were constantly fighting for the title. DX regrouped to sell more merchandise. Hornswoggle remained undefeated against a Mexican Warrior. Jeff Hardy won the title, lost the title, won the title and then left the business to get arrested. Jericho and Big Show proved that the tag titles still mean something to us die hard fans. Last but not least... Edge was hurt once again which allowed CM Punk to develop his character into an awesome heel.

The new year is starting off with new champions. Sheamus is eating his lucky charms while carrying the WWE title around his waist. It's sink or swim time for him. Too bad his feud is with Cena who is terrible at putting people over. DX won the Tag Titles but I don't see that lasting too long since there are two huge pay per views coming up. Drew McIntyre became the new Intercontinental Champion by defeating John Morrison. This is actually really good for Morrison since it's time he gets pushed into the main title picture.

So in 2010 I hope/want to see 5 things happen in the WWE.
John Morrison needs become either WWE/World Heavyweight Champion;
Ted DiBiase breaks away from Legacy and starts a feud with Randy Orton;
Batista continues his heel run and helps younger talent develop with his experience;
MVP finally gets his chance in the main event level;
Edge returns as a face only to team up with Christian and to win the Unified Tag Titles.

If these 5 things could possibly happen it could only benefit the company. Also, if TNA decides to restart the Monday Night Wars, it will force Vince to remove the PG rating and get back to the attitude era. Last but not least... let's hope there won't be any major injuries in 2010.

Until Next Time...


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