Risen from the Ashes, Only to be Burned Again

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News coming from inside the walls of  the WWE is that after the new year their ECW brand/show could be receiving a whole new format. It seems that SyFy is not too pleased with the current ratings at an average of 1.0 (that's about what TNA's Impact averages as well. I'm just sayin'). Now some people will be saddened if WWE & SyFy bury the ECW brand but I, on the other hand, am one to look at the brighter side of a tragedy. Let's face it, the land of extreme died years ago and Vince really had no right to revamp something that was once great. The promotion made it's fame with the help from beer drinkin', bar fightin', redneck n' rowdy fans. That's not how Vinny Mac likes to promote his business. He enjoys making his millions from 12 to 16 year old merchandise wearing kids. It was doomed for failure from the start.

With ECW being taken off of tv could mean a whole new opportunity for the WWE. All good things must start somewhere. Now the census is that they would create another C-Rated show like they had before with Heat & Velocity. There were many good things that came out of Heat. One example was it was the place for pay per view previews. It was like Monday Night Countdown for wrestling. Unfortunately we must endure these stupid ppv promos every Raw, SD, Superstars, and ECW shows. Heat was good for getting you pumped up and ready for the Sunday night big show.

Let's not forget to mention that Heat & Velocity were good ways to allow the new guys tryout matches before being shipped off to the bigger shows. SyFy could move the "new show" to Sunday nights with a new format of Sunday Night Heat. ECW is being used at a stepping stone right now for development wrestlers anyways so it wouldn't be that big of a change. The show Superstars is working well the way they have it. WWE needs that show for the mid carders to perform when they will not be used on the two main shows. The new Sunday night show would be used for almost everyone/everything else. I would even go one step closer and show small clips of matches held at FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) which is WWE's minor league developmental promotion. It could be like a little preview of who might be on tv soon. Additionally they could show some of the good things the wrestlers do when they're not in the squared circle. Sometimes the fans enjoy seeing Cena do his "Make A Wish" ECW, in my eyes, has been the better show as of late mainly because of the new/fresh talent they have. No one wants to watch the same matches week in and week out. That's not possible with ECW because there are constantly new superstars being brought in with the "New Superstar Initiative".

With ECW being burned to the ground could mean a new show rising from the dead, Heat. Vince doesn't have to call the show Heat but I think it's time he brings back that style of show. Most likely it's going to keep its average 1.0 ratings which I don't see SyFy having a problem with for a Sunday night. Allow the Ghost Hunters to guest host the first night, since that's the networks prime show, if ratings is what they are really looking for. The WWE just lost some higher up decision makers so let's see what the new people in charge can do. Bring on the HEAT!

Until Next Time...


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