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With the upcoming Raw being a 3 hour Slammy Awards Special with Guest Host Dennis Miller, I figured I'd make this post my Slammy Award predictions for the year 2009.

OMG! Moment of the Year
Some will say Punk by cashing in the case against Hardy seconds after he won the title but that seems too obvious. This in my mind has to be hands down Orton kissing Stephanie with HHH handcuffed to the ring just a few feet away. This moment took even me by surprise and I thought I'd seen it all. Kudos to Stephanie for doing all she does for daddy's company. 

Diva of the Year
Tough call here. Melina, Maryse, or Michelle McCool. I'm going with McCool to win this one.

Tag Team of the Year
Is there any other team that deserves this title more than... shit is there even another tag team other than JeriShow? Harts... nah, Legacy... nope, Carlito n' Primo... they are the only other logical choice but it's not gonna happen. Jericho and Big Show walk away with this award. I bet Show wishes it was made out of chocolate.

Extreme Moment of the Year
Big Show slamming Cena through a spotlight is a good choice. Maybe HHH throwing Orton through his house window? Hardy could win with his Swanton-Bomb off the ladder onto Punk but yet he is facing some criminal charges. Hmm... I'll say they give HHH a Slammy here for his book shelf.

Best Musical Performance
Don't know and honestly don't care. If Santino sang some sort of song this year then he wins in my mind. 

Announce Team of the Year
There has been a lot of shuffling around this year with the announcers. Cole and Lawler are a wise pick to win but Vince has been getting on Cole's case this whole year though about his poor performance. I am so sick of hearing "Vintage Cena" every 30 seconds out of his mouth so I can't give him the award. Is Striker able to win this Slammy by himself? I'll go crazy here and say Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura for just that one match. Nice bow-tie McMahon.

Best Finishing Maneuver
Bourne won this last year which is understandable. I give it to Morrison for the Starship Pain. The move is just awesome to watch.

Match of the Year
This award is a little hard for me to pick since I never order the pay per views. HBK and Taker at WresteMania is still being talked about so I guess that is my vote. I'd have to see the matches WWE nominates to vote otherwise but I still think this has to be the winner. 

Breakout Star of the Year
Hands down, without a doubt, no questions asked.... John "Friday Night Delight" Morrison. If he doesn't win I'll be shocked. I know he isn't new to the scene like Kofi or Sheamus but those two haven't done anything but take up good wrestling time with their poor promo work (not their fault, it's creative's). Last year's nominees were Kofi, Bourne, Dibiase and Koslov with the Russian winning the Slammy. Good choice on their part (sarcasm). Morrison has had some of the most incredible matches this year and has become a crowd favorite. Give this award some credibility by allowing Morrison to win. It could also make Miz jealous and give us another good Miz/Morrison promo feud that leads into another ppv match.

Superstar of the Year
If you had to give this award to the superstar who actually had the best year I would say Chris Jericho. But if I am giving this award to whom may have the biggest impact by winning the award then I would say CM Punk. It could go really well with his whole gimmick of "I'm better than you because you're a drug infested alcoholic". Randy Orton also has his own right to this award but unfortunately he had some awful matches. Not his fault though, it was his competition. I'll be sick if Cena wins it but it also wouldn't surprise me. I give this Slammy to PUNK!

I left out Damn! moment, exclusive, and best impression. These three could all possibly be left out of the awards. There may even be a few added like best guest host which could go to Ventura, Trish or Piper. My pick would be Shaq for his altercation with Big Show and lots of press the wwe got from him.

Until Next Time...


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