Tables. Latters. Chairs. Predictions.

1)World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker vs. Batista (Chair Match)

Undertaker is injured and Batista needs some heat for his heel turn. Should be a fun brawl.
Winner: Big Dave

2)WWE Champion John Cena vs. Sheamus (Tables Match)

Sheamus wins. I feel the important thing to rember in this match was John Cena's declaration of his intent to use his rematch clause at T.L.C. and that WWE seems to be high on Sheamus at the moment, he wins here... in match one. Cena being the hero will use his rematch clause and wins Match 2 in what will probably be a latter match. Following in the tradition of Ortons 2nd and 3rd title wins and not one to be outdone by John Cena, Sheamus cashes in his rematch clause in a street fight and regains his championship much to the bewilderment of Jack Swagger and MVP.
Winner:Cena 1 Celtic Warrior 2

3)Intercontinental Champion John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre

The Euro invasion continues but can Shawn Micheal's boy toy dethrone The Guru of Greatness.
Morrison has had flashes of brilliance all year and it seems the intercontinental tittle is holding him back somewhat. Drew McIntyre on the other hand seems poised to make an impact and this belt would make ppl take notice. Part of me wants to say this match will end in screwy finish starting an extended feud but I have a feeling Morrison is going to take this minor loss before a major victory next month.
Winner: Europe

4)Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton

Unlike most people I'm not a fan of this feud. I don't get why people crap over Sheamus but are super impressed with Kingston. Kingston has had a us tile reign, an ic title reign and a tag title reign and hasn't done much with any of them. I think they may give this to Kingston but I'm hoping orton wins here in spectacularly violent fashion.
Winner: Orton(I hope)

5)ECW Champion Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin (Ladder Match)

Both Benjamin and Christian are extraordinary performers but seem destined to stay in mid card purgatory forever. For either of them to have any hope of being main eventers they need this match to be spectacular. The ECW title has become increasingly less and less a priority since its inception not even appearing on PPV for months. Throw in that the brand seems to be in danger of not getting renewed and if it dose the wwe may still scrap it in favor of another superstars like show. ECW needs this match to be spectacular. Throw in this PPV isn't particularly impressive the PPV itself needs this match to be spectacular.

As for who is going to win I have to side with Benjamin. Christian has held the belt for a while now and there don't seem to be too many credible challengers for him. Shelton on the other hand would freshen up ecw and give him his largest career win.
Winner: The Gold Standard

6) Unified Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. D-Generation X (Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match)

For the first time in a long time the tag titles are in a ppv main event. Let me start this off by saying there won't be a winner in this match there will be a survivor(maybe). Shawn Micheal's is getting up there in age and his need to show boat is going to get him injured. Big Show just had knee surgery this match won't end well for him either. HHH first tore his quad in a tag title match with Chris Jericho. Both Edge and Chris Benoit sustained permanent career altering neck injuries from this match. The only person that might come out of this unscathed is Chris Jericho because he has never had a major injury. Then again, if he were to attain one it would be from this match.

If there is God and it can get over HHH stealing it's King of King name and it allows all the participants to survive this could be a good match if for nothing else star power. Jerrishow have been a dominite tag team for a while now and DX is one of the most popular tag teams of all time. If selling merch were a finishing move DX would win this but there seems to be other plans in store for both Dx and Jerrishow.
Winner: Jerrishow


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