TLC 2009

My WWE TLC '09 Pay Per View Predictions. Tables.. Ladders... Chairs... Oh My!

World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker vs. Batista (Chair Match)
This is now the perfect time for the Deadman to drop the belt. I can see Taker holding on to it but it's not the logical choice. Batista needs to look like the dominant heel of the WWE and with his smash matches over Rey the only logical thing to do is now win the belt.
Winner- Batista

WWE Champion John Cena vs. Sheamus (Tables Match)
I'm a little stumped on this match up. Sheamus is getting a surprising push but it's in a good way. The only problem is Cena doesn't know how to put wrestlers over. If Sheamus wins this match it will be because of some fluke interference.
Winner- John Cena

Intercontinental Champion John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre
This should be a good match. Morrison could fight a one finned dolphin and make it look entertaining. McIntyre could actually walk away the new IC champion which would allow Morrison to start a feud for the World Title (it's what I really want anyways).  I'd rather see the title change hands on SD. If Ziggler couldn't do it, I don't think Drew can.
Winner- John "Friday Night Delight" Morrison

Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton
Well this is the rubber match. Each one of the superstars has one win against each other. Kofi pulled off the win at Survivor Series against Orton but I think that was his only one time to shine. Orton needs to RKO Kofi followed by a punt to the cranium to end this feud. Sorry Kofi but there are others who deserve a major push more than you (MVP damn it!).
Winner- Randall Keith Orton

Unified Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. D-Generation X (Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match)
The perfect way to end this match is by having one member of DX and one member of JeriShow at the top of the ladder, probably Jericho since Show can barely walk up to a buffet line let alone climb a ladder (it's his injured knee not his weight I swear), and have them each pull down one of the belts. This would end up meaning both teams are tag champs, one World Tag and the other WWE tag. Perfect way to split up the Unified Titles. Then DX can lose the title to maybe Legacy or MVP/Henry on Raw. I don't think this DX n' JeriShow feud will last long since the Rumble and Elimination Chamber ppv's are up next. Those two will most likely be headed into some sort of title picture. Good feud just poor timing.
Winner- DX & JeriShow (each walk away with a pair of the belts)

ECW Champion Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin (Ladder Match)
This match will undoubtedly steal the whole pay per view. I know Vince hates the ECW brand but he would be fool not to let these two end the show. Both competitors have proven to put on incredible death defying ladder matches. On any other occasion I would say Christian walks away still the ECW champ, but they are pushing Shelton as a face now. This could mean if Shelton wins he could have a nice feud with Regal or Vance Archer if they start pushing him up the rankings. It's time for Christian to head over to SmackDown anyways.
Winner- Shelton "The Gold Standard" Benjamin

Until Next Time...


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