Days Removed From Rumble

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

In this week's Daily Slam... The Rrrrraaattteeedd R Superstar returns to win the Rumble, Raw qualifying matches for the Chamber, Bret confronts the boss, and the destruction of ECW but the introduction of N X T!

I liked Edge winning the main event with a Cena-type late entrant surprise but I still honestly thought Batista was going to win. I worry about Edge being rushed back too action so soon. Any kind of ankle injury needs to have proper time to heel. I suspect that he will stay out of ring action up until Mania to guarantee he is 100%. His tweener (neither face nor heel) isn't exactly what I expected but they might want to wait til after the E.C. to see which direction he'll go. Here's a thought... Orton vs Edge at Mania for the title anyone? Okay, I'm the only person who would like to see those two beat the hell out each other for a good 30 minutes. Oh and SD spoiler alert... Edge and Christian promo!

The Raw's Elimination Chamber looks superb. I couldn't have it booked any better. Wait, scratch that. Fuck Kofi... add in Rhodes or Swagger to the match. All were good matches though other than the Big Show and DiBiase's lack of effort. Oh well. I think Sheamus drops the belt in 3 weeks because it is far too early in his career to headline WrestleMania. It's too soon to make any predictions but I will say they are setting up some really good story-lines for Mania. "Who ordered the crazy pills?" Oh, Shawn Michaels did.

To conclude Raw this week, Bret "Hitman" Hart called out Vince only to be embarrassed once again. I had so much hope for this feud but with just throwing in Cena & Batista just spoils it a little bit. I can understand Cena wanting to stick up for a legend because he's Mr. Nice Guy, but big Dave has no reason. They must really have no place for him in the SD side of the Mania card at this point. If I had to guess it will be Cena and Bret vs Batista and Vince at on grandest stage of wrestling. I have no problem other than I think it waters down the Montreal Screwjob story-line having the two big guys involved. I guess we'll have to see how things play out.
On the Tuesday Night Extreme brand of ECW, Vince Kennedy McMahon announced ECW will officially be burried into the ground in 3 weeks. The company will be introducing a whole new wrestling concept that is rumored to be called WWE NXT. It's most likely going to be a minor league for Raw & SmackDown by introducing new and young superstars. I have no objections to this idea. ECW has been bringing in fresh talent anyways so all they are really doing is changing the name. Maybe they'll wrestle for WWE contracts. I say bring back the cruiserweight title and put one of the tag titles on the show to start off with. Will Bryan Danielson debut on NXT??? Let's fucking hope so because the anticipation is killing me. Let's Go Dragon!!! Let's Go Dragon!!!

Until Next Time, remember...
... Superheros party like the rest of us!


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