HBK's Career Is Over? Say It Ain't So!

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In this week's Daily Slam;. NXT gets bumped up a week, the ECW roster becoming free agents, top promos from TNA and WWE, and HBK finally goes craaaazzzzzyyy!

It looks like Vince doesn't want to wait any longer for his new pet project to start so he's shutting the doors on ECW a week earlier than announced. I guess you could say he's ripping it off like a band-aid. I have to admit that the suspense of the new show has me excited so hopefully I'm not the only one to bump up the Tuesday night ratings for SyFy. I will be sad to see the land of extreme (that's what it was right?) to leave but something new needed to be done.

In light of ECW being canceled brings one question to mind. What will Tiffany be doing??? Wait, I mean what will happen to the entire roster? Christian announced on Raw that all the Tuesday night talent will become free agents. The WWE Draft normally occurs weeks after WrestleMania so I don't think it really matters where these superstars end up since they could be moved again within a few weeks time. I don't see anyone being released (maybe Abe Washington) but most will end up wrestling on Superstars since none will have story-lines involved for Mania other than possibly Christian.

This week on television, so far, has showed some good mic skillz (yes it's spelled with a "z") by multiple wrestlers. First on Raw; Cena once again put McMahon in his place, resulting in Hart trying to attack and ends up destroying the set. Also, we had encountered a new Awesome! tag name... The Miz Show. I mean the The ShowMiz... you know, like showbiz. I like it! INDEED. Over on that train wreck of Impact, we were given the gift of watching a great promo work of AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. These two could carry TNA on their shoulders without breaking a sweat. Joe might need a cookie to keep up the pace but I don't judge... much. AJ is doing fairly well with his ego-driven heel gimmick while Joe is taking is good guy/bad-ass persona to a nice level that suits his character well. The fans are gradually giving AJ heat but you can give a little credit to Flair for that. Woo! Mr. Anderson gave a cocky promo with Angle which was solid for him (he mentioned his back gets hurt from carrying people which must happen a lot) and Wolfe did a nice little interview.

Speaking of the ShowMiz; they successfully defeated the great and all mighty DX. I'm Awesome will replace DX signs in the audience hopefully. After Shawn Micheal's took the pin fall, he attempted to beg his way into the SmackDown Elimination Chamber. After being rejected from Teddy Long, HBK put the boot to his chin and announced his career is over. Is that a hate crime or failure to obey management? Either way it should result in jail time for this so-called born again Christian. Does this mean he turns Edge like crazy by yanking his hair and snarling at his competitors or maybe a pill poppin' crazy so Punk can "save" him? I suspect Hunter will confront him on Monday and get this all resolved in either a HBK heel turn or some time off from tv til Mania.

Additional Slams!!!...

TNA Against All Odds Predictions

8 Card Stud Tourney:

The Pope vs. Desmond Wolfe. Winner- Wolfe
Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan. Winner- Morgan
Kurt Angle vs. Mr Anderson Winner- Angle
Mick Foley vs. Abyss Winner- Abyss

Winner- Angle defeats Abyss, Wolfe defeats Morgan. Winner- Wolfe

Team 3D vs Nasty Boys
Winner- Team 3D

TNA Championship
Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles w/ Referee Eric Bischoff
Winner- AJ Styles

Until Next Time...


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