Elimination Chamber Predictions '10

This Sunday is the Elimination Chamber PPV where both top titles are on the line inside the demonic steel structure. The results of this pay per view will help lay the ground work for WrestleMania.

Vacant WWE Divas Title Match: Maryse vs. Gail Kim
Finally this match is going to take place. Gail has been on a roll for the past few weeks in her matches and looks like she might have the upper hand at this point. I would like to see Kim get some recognition for the hard work by winning but I think Maryse is better suited to go into Mania as champ.
Winner- Maryse

Intercontinental Title Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Kane
This match-up has no real interest from me nor anyone else I can imagine. Kane is being put here just to give Drew a credible opponent. Plus, Morrison and Truth are in the Chamber so they needed a fill-in loser.
Winner- Drew McIntyre

SmackDown Elimination Chamber (World HeavyWeight Championship) 
The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio
Now this is a match. You have some of the most charismatic wrestlers in all the WWE in one steel cage fighting for the chance to headline Mania. It could honestly be a huge swing storyline mode. If the Deadman retains, would Edge challenge him for the title or could Shawn Michaels get his chance to break the streak. Morrison has a dvd out and is in need of a major push. Jericho has the most legit shot if Taker loses cause he could have multiple opponents waiting (also including Edge). Myseterio and Punk might have a feud heading into Mania so I doubt they walk away victorious (along with Truth who has no shot). Maybe Shawn pulls an Edge move and takes Truth's spot in the match to cost Taker the title. What a match this will be.
Winner- Chris Jericho

RAW Elimination Chamber (WWE Championship)

Sheamus vs. Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. John Cena vs. Kofi Kingston
Now this bout seems better on paper than I think it's going to end up. Ted and Randy will work together for awhile, same with Cena and Kingston I imagine. but once things start coming down to the wire, alliances won't mean anything.  I can't imagine Sheamus going into the biggest pay perv view as champion but he proves me wrong every time I pick against him. This time I will not fail. The Irish pale face drops the belt this time to a past champion... either Orton, The Game, or Cena. Cena already has a good story building with Batista (ala Bret Hart). Triple H has the most wins in Elimination Chamber matches and he didn't win the Rumble so his "time to shine" is here once more. It also adds more to DX splitting up... finally.
Winner- Hunter Heart Helmsley

Also, there are rumors that an Edge vs. Batista match could be added to the card. If this perhaps does happen; I can't see Edge, the Royal Rumble winner, losing. It probably won't be a clean win but by disqualification due to Batista's inability to control his 'roid rage!

Until Next Time...

 ...I'm Just Sayin!


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