Less Than 24 Hours Ago...

Less Than 24 Hours Ago... is a recap/highlights from the previous nights pay per view in sports entertainment. Let's get to it!

Last night we witnessed an historic Elimination Chamber pay per view that has somewhat shaken up the matches for WrestleMania 26. Both main championships changed hands, story-lines were developed in the chambers, The Miz had to defend the US title but had help, and the divas match apparently needs more time to build up.

In the WWE Championship chamber, DiBiase pinned his mentor Randy Orton which will leave Randall no choice but the humiliate his protege. This will set up nicely for what is to come with these two within the next few weeks. The WWE title was won by Mr Golden God John Cena by making Triple H (my prediction) tap out. By having Batista defeat Cena in under a minute to walk away with the title following the chamber match sets up those two for an even bigger feud. Then if you throw in Hart and McMahon in the picture, you have a dynamic situation for the biggest show of the year.

The Miz and MVp match was thrown in the PPV last minute. I like this title defense taking place but it should have been advertised. The way the cards were "laid out", I can see a nice ShowMiz vs MVP/WSM tag title match at WrestleMania. If this is the case then I wish The Miz could drop the title within the next few weeks to another mid-carder for the time being.

I'm pissed that the Divas match did not take place between Gail Kim and Maryse. We haven't had a champion in forever and these two are going to put on a fantastic match if they are given the right amount of time. Let's hope they don't wait all the way til' Mania. And what in the hell is Vickie G. doing by booing matches on pay per views when she is only a "consultant". Come on now Vince, it's getting to be a stretch with this being believable.

Intercontinental Champ, Drew McIntyre, defeated Kane to retain the gold. Enough said.
In the World HeavyWeight Championship Elimination Chamber featured some of the best in ring talent the WWE has to offer at the moment. HBK showed up in the ring, when only the Deadman and Jericho were left, and gave the Undertaker some sweet chin music. This resulted in a win for Chris "Y2J" Jericho and will most likely solidify his match with Edge at WrestleMania.

The Elimination Chamber had some great finishes and some utter disappointments. WrestleMania 26 is just around the corner now and is shaping up to be an amazing card. So far I would say we have Cena/Batista, HBK/Taker, Jericho/Edge, HHH/Sheamus, Orton/DiBiase, and maybe Punk/Mysterio. Things are constantly changing in the business so I'm sure there will be a surprise match or two in there. Throw in some good music and some bad ass pyrotechnics (as long as these ones don't catch The Undertaker on fire) and it should be an amazing pay per view.

The next Less Than 24 Hours Ago... will feature WrestleMania 26.


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