The NXT Generation Of Tuesday

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We are only days away from the Elimination Chamber pay per view which means WrestleMania is on the horizon. This week so far we've had all 6 members of the E.C. WWE title match face off against each other, the NXT's roster is announced, the final ECW show, and AJ Styles retained the title while the Pope (D'Angelo Dinero, not Pope Benedict) became the top stud .

The match between Sheamus and Orton was short but it delivered. Once again Legacy got involved (primarily Rhodes) and ended up getting the Viper disqualified just like at that Rumble. This time Rhodes didn't receive a simple beat down. As the fans chanted for the devious RKO, Orton gave them what they wanted. This to me is why he is receiving the small pops from the crowd even though he is the top heel on Raw. With Rhodes on Orton's bad side and DiBiase in the Chamber match this Sunday with Orton, the demise of Legacy is just around the corner. The other two matches were decent but didn't build any kind of story-lines like the first one did. The only thing we did get was Sheamus standing tall while Raw went off air. Too bad his luck (Irish luck that is) has run out come this Sunday... hopefully.

On the last WWE/ECW show we were told the roster for the new NXT show starting on Tuesday night. We were shown the rookies and the pros that will be showing them the ropes. The groupings look to be good other than a few issues I have. For one, the Miz should not be training Daniel Bryan (Danielson). The "Awesome" one might have incredible mic skills but Daniel has more in ring ability in his middle finger than the Miz could only hope to learn in the next decade. I personally would have paired  Daniel with Punk or Jericho. My second issue is not seeing the distinctive face of Kaval (Low-Ki). I had read he was originally announced for the roster but has been replaced. I am deeply disappointed by this because him and Daniel Bryan could take this show to amazing levels. Are they saving Kaval for the second season? Maybe they could bring him to the main roster right away instead of waiting for the NXT rookies to move up. One thing is for sure; if NXT is anything like Tough Enough meets Ultimate Fighter (kayfabe style) we are in for some good entertainment. 

Also on the last ECW ever, we were treated to an extreme rules match for the ECW Championship. Zeke Jackson became the final ECW champion (and with the shortest reign in history) by defeating Christian. At first I was a little pissed to not see Christian as the last champ of Extreme since he had held the title for so long but with Zeke winning it gives him some credibility in the company and for whatever brand he ends up on.

At Against All Odds; AJ retained the TNA Championship (as I predicted unlike my arch rival/nemesis did) against Samoa Joe. I think Joe deserved the title but the chips are stacked against anyone with Ric Flair in the other guy's corner. The Black Pope won the 8-card stud tournament which I found a little surprising but not totally against. Dinero could be the perfect face for Style's title but I don't see him being put over with a win in the Hogan era. On a TNA side note; Hogan/Dixie announced that Impact will be moving to Mondays permanently on March 8th. I would have supported this move about 3 months ago but the product to me has gone down hill slightly. Spoiler Alert- don't be surprised to see Hogan & Flair in the ring on that Monday night.

Additional Slams!...

Also on Tuesday night, we witnessed a little cat fight between "ECW GM" Tiffany and Rosa. We finally got to see Tiffany get down and dirty and hopefully it's a glimpse of what's to come. Maybe a little Tiff n' Christian love angle could work for the time being. Well that is after she poses for Playboy... again.

Until Next Time...


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