Growing up I was a WCW fan. I would always watch Nitro then turn to Raw during commercials, but I would always quickly flip back to make sure I didn't miss anything. However, there was always one thing that would keep me from turning back to Nitro. Edge and Christian. Edge has been my favorite wrestler since then and my favorite of all time.

Edge has just made his return in grand fashion. After a multi month injury he surprised everyone by returning to the Rumble and winning it. This was the most epic way for him to return that's to be sure but was it the best?
When he was injured he was one half of the tag team champions with Chris Jericho and after his injury he was kicked to the curb by Jericho who replaced him with the Big Show, who Edge was feuding with at the time. This was the perfect set up for an Edge vs Jericho feud when Edge returned, which we may still get if Jericho wins the Elimination Chamber.
Jerrishow was one of the highlights of the past year. Their reign with the belts helped r
estore credability to tag team wrestling in the WWE. They were on a role and really stood out. Then DX decided they wanted a run with the belts too. Jerrishow should have kept the belts till mania and dominated a few more teams along the way like a reformed Worlds Greatest Tag Team and a one off reunion of Morrison and the Miz. At the Rumble Edge should have returned but not in the rumble but as interference coting Jericho the match. Then Edge challenge Jerrishow at mania with his partner Christian.
E&C vs Jerrishow would be a major match. Granted, it would be a step down for Edge and potentially Jerricho to be in a tag title match when they could main event, but it would be better for the WWE, tag team wrestling and for the overall card at Mania.
Tag team wrestling in the WWE has seen a surge the past year and a lot of great new teams have come into being, but there's one problem. Most of them are heel teams. outside of DX the only two face teams are Crime Time and MVP Henry. If Edge and christian win the tag titles it would open up quite a few potential feuds.

E@C vs The Straight Edge Society- Punk and Edge started having a pretty decent feud
before punk went heel and could now continue due to Edges quasi face statis. christian as well would match up nicely against Punk.

Edge has just made his return in grand fashion. After a multi month injury he surprised everyone by returning to the Rumble and winning it. This was the most epic way for him to return that's to be sure but was it the best?
When he was injured he was one half of the tag team champions with Chris Jericho and after his injury he was kicked to the curb by Jericho who replaced him with the Big Show, who Edge was feuding with at the time. This was the perfect set up for an Edge vs Jericho feud when Edge returned, which we may still get if Jericho wins the Elimination Chamber.
Jerrishow was one of the highlights of the past year. Their reign with the belts helped r

E&C vs Jerrishow would be a major match. Granted, it would be a step down for Edge and potentially Jerricho to be in a tag title match when they could main event, but it would be better for the WWE, tag team wrestling and for the overall card at Mania.
Tag team wrestling in the WWE has seen a surge the past year and a lot of great new teams have come into being, but there's one problem. Most of them are heel teams. outside of DX the only two face teams are Crime Time and MVP Henry. If Edge and christian win the tag titles it would open up quite a few potential feuds.

E@C vs The Straight Edge Society- Punk and Edge started having a pretty decent feud

E&C vs The Hart Dynasty- Edge and christian got their start at the Hart Dungeon and w

E&C vs Legacy- This depends on if Legacy is doesn't brake up, but reunited Edge with his former Rated RKO partner Randy Orton and Dibiase and Rhodes are the most legit ta

E&C vs Regal/Jackson- Picking up where Christians
with them ended. Christian and Regal had some of the best matches of the past year.

E&C vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team- Shelton and Christan had a fun latter match at TLC and both of these teams have been around for quite a while and are both really really good.

E@C vs The Briscoes- It's been reported that the WWE has been very interested in signing the best underground tag team of the decade and Edge and christian would be natural

The rebirth of the tag division isn't the only reason I was disappointed to see Edge win the Rumble. Edge has at this point pretty much has done everything there is too do in the WWE and there isn't much left he can do that would be interesting.
One thing that could keep Edge relevant for years is a long term storyline. I would have had Edge, when he returned, say he had a lot of time to think about his legacy and how he would be remembered and how it disgusted him. He just wanted to be the champion so bad he started taking short cuts and before he knew it he became a monster and that's not how he wants to be remembered. He wants to be remembered as a true champion not an opportunist. He wants to win the title this time by talent and hard work not politicking and cheating.
Of coarse, this is easier said then done. For this storyline to mean anything it would take time. Anywhere, between 1 and three years. There would also have to be obstacles that reflect his past transgressions. Maybe Vickie taking power again and making Edge's life a living hell. He would also have to face people he has wronged in the past such as Matt Hardy, Batista and The Undertaker and he would have to face coconspirators like Zac Ryder, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. After confronting his past sins, he would win The Royal Rumble and win the championship representing his redemption. Granted Vince McMahon would never go for a long storyline like that, but that's the reason the WWE is in the state that it's in.

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