Less Than 24 Hours Ago...

Less Than 24 Hours Ago... is a recap/highlights from the previous nights pay per view in sports entertainment. Let's get to it!

Last night was the epic pay per view of WrestleMania 26. It was the first ppv I have personally ordered in a little over 2 years. The main attractions going in for me was the Hart vs McMahon & Undertaker vs HBK matches. After the show I had mixed feeling. One one hand, the show had the perfect build-ups and good performances. But on the other hand, some matches were not given the proper time frame and had bland finishes.

First off, I give huge kudos to those in the Money In The Bank ladder match. I knew it was going to be a "cluster-fuck" and it was just that. So many hard slams in to the ladders and plenty of jaw dropping moments. I wasn't sure exactly when the match was going to end since Kofi, Christian, and Hardy all had golden opportunities to grasp the briefcase. It was nice to see Swagger win though, I hope it does wonders for him like it did for CM Punk after he won the briefcase for the first time.

The Hart vs McMahon match was kind of sad to watch. You have this old-timer (who is still my favorite 90's wrestler) just beat down the billionaire for a good 10 min without any real crowd reaction. Why? Because all he did was punch him then slam a steel chair into his back about 20 times. Bret was in no condition for what I would have wanted to see but they could have made it a little more entertaining. Maybe handcuff Vince to the ring post and make him apologize. Everyone loves a little Vince humiliation.

Punk and Rey delivered, but there should be no big surprise there. The divas match was an utter disappointment and I would have preferred to watch the dark match battle royal. ShoMiz won which I always like to see other than they didn't give Morrison nor Truth enough time to do anything spectacular. HHH beat Shamus in a good match. I honestly didn't think he was going to kick out of the second pump kick, but he is the "Game" and he was there to play. Orton defeated his pupils with an awesome finish. A punt to Rhodes followed by an RKO to DiBiase. Everyone cheers and Orton does his vintage pose on the turnbuckle with wings shown in the background. This proves he is the real savior of the WWE.

The Cena/Batista and Jericho/Edge matches were on the same level in my opinion. Both matches told great stories inside the squared circle and had some amazing near falls. Batista's face at one point, after Cena kicked out of a pin, was pure awesomeness. Same with Jericho. Chris always manages to tell great stories with his facial expressions better than anyone else on the roster. It was cool to see Edge spear Jericho after the match to hopefully continue this feud at Extreme Rules.Cena just had to win (fucking fans) but at least Batista made Cena look good at beating him. Nothing is worse than a Cena squash match.

Finally, the Deadman extended his streak to 18-0 by ending the career of Shawn Michaels. That match delivered on so many levels and I wish it never ended. There were a few sweet chin music shots delivered by HBK that made me cringe. The near falls and Shawn's high rope maneuver that put this match at the top of my all time favorites. If this is truly the end for HBK, I am happy to see Taker be the one to end it. Triple H would have been the logical pick but those two have had plenty of matches. Long live the WrestleMania Streak!!!

 Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!

WrestleMania 26 Predictions

WrestleMania. It's the pay per view that wrestlers/superstars strive to showcase on. It's the one show that the fans look forward to every year. There is a reason this one show is known around the world as the "Grandest Stage of them All". WrestleMania is that one place that sports entertainers put on their best performances that they are capable of doing. These are my predictions for WrestleMania 26.

* Triple H vs. Sheamus
This match features the favorite veteran vs the heel rookie with a fast start in the business. Sheamus has only had one other big one-on-one match in his short lived career. That other match featured Cena, whom he defeated for the title. This match is supposedly  the make or break in Sheamus' career. I highly doubt that since HHH has hand picked the young man to be the future. I can see Triple H putting over the Irish pale face superstar to prove that Hunter knows talent when he sees it.
Winner- Sheamus

* CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
These two have been putting on great promo's as of late and are not getting enough credibility for it on WWE television. Punk has solidified himself as the great heel of the WWE but the problem is he is facing the one superstar that everyone cheers for no matter what. Rey looks like an underdog here since the Straight Edge Society will be in Punk's corner which mean he is my favorite to win.
Winner- Rey Mysterio

*Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase
This is one match I am looking forward to but also highly disappointed. The deconstruction of Legacy should have been so much more of a story but it has been watered down due to its timing. There are so many other huge story-lines going on right now that people are kind of over looking this match. I won't be surprised if these three manage to tear the roof down. Hopefully they give them enough time to put on a good story. Orton's fan base is growing faster than Kristie Alley's waist band during Christmas dinner. A win by either Rhodes or DiBiase could help jump them to the next level and even continue a feud with Orton. In the past, I like to pick Orton when he gets beat down weeks before his big matches.
Winner- Randy Orton

* Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston
One thought comes to mind about this match; cluster-fuck. Having ten wrestlers going for one briefcase is ridiculous. There will be some breathtaking moments, that's a guarantee with Shelton and Christian involved, but there will also be some miscommunication leading to minor injuries I predict.The hard part is trying to think of who will prevail. Christian has to be the favorite because he was top champion only a few weeks ago. Kofi is just on the outside of the main event, but you could make a case for Swagger, MVP, and even Kane.
Winner- Christian

* Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Miz and The Big Show vs. John Morrison and R-Truth
ShoMiz needed competition for their titles. This is why we have the pairing of Morrison and Truth. I don't see Miz losing any gold any time soon. Unless Daniel Bryan gets involved some way, there is no reason for them to lose.
Winner- ShowMiz

* No Holds Barred Match: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
The match that has me most excited for. My favorite wrestler of all time against the big bad CEO. With Hart's health conditions, don't expect to see to much offensively. Vince will beat him down most of the time until Bret is able to lock him up in the shapshooter. Bret screws Vince.
Winner- Bret "The Hitman" Hart 

* Career vs. Streak – Win By Pin or Submission Only: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
The match that stole the show last year... round two. There will be plenty of reversals and near falls. As a fan of wrestling, records are respected but also made to be broken. I'd hate to see the Undertaker lose at Mania and his beloved streak end. Taker is about to retire so maybe he feels okay with HBK beating him out of mutual respect. I hope the streak lives on but I have a bad feeling about not picking the one they call "Mr. WrestleMania".
Winner- Shawn Michaels 

* WWE Title Match: Batista vs. John Cena
I can't even to begin at how impressed I am with Batista's work over the last four weeks. At first I figured these two would be involved in the Hart/McMahon feud but now with the title being the main focus makes it more rewarding. The match has all the perfect ingredients for a great story to be told inside the four corners. You have the "face" of the WWE vs the "jealous" powerhouse champion. Hopefully Batista can walk away the champion along with a long title reign to give his heel gimmick some serious credibility in the history books. Unfortunately, this is WrestleMania and sometimes the good guy must prevail to send the fans home happy. This match doesn't have a No DQ stipulation so I can also see the Animal getting himself disqualified to retain the title and allow a rematch at Extreme Rules (the next pay per view).
Winner- Dave "The Animal" Batista 

* World Heavy-Weight Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
The match that has been set for the past 6 months has finally arrived. You have former tag team champions squaring off against each other on the big stage. Edge, the Royal Rumble winner, has a lot of momentum coming into this bout versus the current champ who is rightfully the "best in the world at what he does", so he says and I can't argue with that. This match should be nothing short of great technical wrestling but unfortunately it will be over looked by the fans due to its poor build-up. If the MITB winner would cash in at the end or even in the middle of the match, it could be put over as the top match on the card, but I highly doubt that event will take place. Both men have a argumentative/ legitimate shot at walking out of Mania with the WCW World Heavy-Weight Championship. The 2nd toughest choice on the card (Taker/Shawn). Edge losing to Chris would look worse than vice-versa.
Winner- "The Ultimate Opportunist" Edge

Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!

Wrestlemania Predictions

Triple H vs. Sheamus:
Can you just hand a wrestler a title and then he's a star without a gimmick(Kane), size(The Big Show), mad wrestling skills(Lesnar) and just pretty much make him stumble on the championship and portray it mostly as a fluke. This is the Sheamus experiment. If they want to make him a star he gets the win here if not the King of Kings reigns supreme in his first non title mania match since 17.
Winner: The one with the tan.

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio:
Will CM Punk come out victorious? Will Rey Jr. be forced to join the straight Edge Society? Will Luke Gallows ever grow back his hair? The answer to all these questions will be no. Rey will overcome the odds in what should be a really really good match.
Winner:The one in a mask

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase:
Will Rhodes and Dibiase be able to work together to take out Orton. I think this match will go somthing like this. Rhodes and Dibiase will have Orton at the point of defeat then Rhodes will turn on Dibiase they'll have at it for a few minutes till Orton regains his composer and everyone eats an Rko
Winner: The one who... stands out.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match:
winner: Christian

Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Miz and The Big Show vs. John Morrison and R-Truth: John Morrison and the Miz were my favourite tag team of the last 5 years. jerrishow was second. After Morrison and Miz broke up and didn't wrestle right away i though they were going to save the singles match between them for mania. However, they already had their one on one match at Bragging Rights which the Miz won. I think Morrison gets his revenge here leaving Miz and Big show to feud over the US title.
Winner: Morrison and Truth

No Holds Barred Match: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
This probably wont be the prettiest match on the card, but I'm sure they'll tell one hell of a story. I'm expecting interference by the hart dynasty for McMahon and DX for Hart. Anyway, the win is Brets.
Winner:The best there was, is or ever will be.

Career vs. Streak – Win By Pin or Submission Only: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
This is an interesting match. I don't see the streak ending but I don't see Shawn Micheals career ending even more. Part of me thinks that Shawn Micheals will win here and they'll have a rubber match at next years mania.
Winner: Mr.Wrestlemania

WWE Title Match: Batista vs. John Cena
When did batista learn to cut a promo? He has been excellent in the build up to this feud. At first I was a little annoyed this was going to be a title match but Batista changed my mind on that. Now I'm sad because i don't see him walking away with the title. Cena takes the win and the belt.*tear*
Winner: The annoying bland one

World Heavyweight Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
Is there anyone who didn't see this match coming? To be honest, I've been disappointed with this feud. You have two of the best promo wrestlers being out done by Cena and Batista. Still, this match should be better when they get to the ring. It is nice to see Jericho in the main event again and I think he wins it this time although it could go either way with Edge completely making his triumphant return and winning his first title as a face.
Winner: The last honest man. The best in the world at what he dose. Chris Jericho.

WrestleMania Week Is Among Us

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 6 weeks, you already know that the biggest show of the year is only a few days away. This week is all about WrestleMania 26 and the brands are doing their final set-ups for the matches. In the past 7 days, the Mysterio/Punk match added a stipulation, MITB gets another contender, Triple H & Randy Orton work together, and Batista puts on another great promo. Let's get to it...

On SmackDown, Rey Mysterio lost to Luke Gallows which added the stipulation that if CM Punk wins at Mania, Rey must join the Straight Edge Society. I honestly thought they were going to go with a hair vs mask match but this one works too. Extreme Rules PPV could host the mask unveiling stipulation if Rey must join the Society. This story only has room to grow and hopefully there is no end in sight. Punk is so over as a major heel right now that keeping him in a long lasting feud only helps his heel heat. Also, kudos to both men for their superb promo work in the last few weeks.

Apparently having only nine men in one match is unsatisfactory. I think the Raw writers completely forgot about Kofi Kingston in the month of March and last minute decided to throw him into the Mania card somewhere. So now instead of having the "dead-on favorite" Christian to win the briefcase, they throw Kofi into the mix to make us second guess ourselves. I like Kingston in the match but I'd prefer two less competitors. I still think Christ; wait I'll just post my predictions tomorrow.

The HHH & Orton vs Legacy & Sheamus match on Raw was my favorite in the last few weeks. It had great wrestling to go along with a good build to their individual stories. Randy got a major pop from the crowd when he got the hot tag in and also when he was about to deliver his infamous legs on ropes DDT. I also enjoyed the combination of two men who only a year ago had a huge feud. It's unfortunate that neither Hunter nor Randy are headlining WrestleMania 26, but I'm sure taking one year off won't stop them from putting on powerful performances.

Finally, Batista has once again proved my point that his heel gimmick would reinvent his career. I said it months ago; his look itself just screams major bad guy heat. His little feud with long time friend Rey Rey didn't do enough to put him fully over with the crowd, but this altercation he has going on with Cena is powerful stuff. Dave's promo work has surprised everyone in the pro wrestling fan base and has elevated himself to a long time main event player. Win or lose at Mania against Cena, this guy should be on the mic every week.

Additional Slams!...

With WrestleMania 26 only days away, the main focus has been primarily on the WWE. Their main competition, TNA Wrestling, had a Pay Per View last Sunday which deserves a comment I guess. I think one word should some it up.... disappointment. Abyss choke-slammed AJ Styles through the ring floor which means the belt has no chance to change hands. Utter disappointment to the crowd I imagine. Also, Jeff Hardy and RVD finally had a chance to put on their skills at Impact. I honestly didn't watch the entire match but from what I saw, they delivered. No surprise there though.

After reading the SmackDown spoilers, I don't see any last minute changes being done to the WrestleMania 26 card other than a possible Divas match. My PPV Predictions will be posted tomorrow.

 Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!

Vince Screwed Vince

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

This is yours truly, Erickson, and I present to you another edition of The Daily Slam! Unlike other writers on this site, that I'd rather not mention because they know who they are, I am here to give you my recaps and thoughts within the pro wrestling biz on a regular basis. WrestleMania 26 is only 9 days away and the anticipation is kicking into high gear. It looks like all the matches have been announced and some stipulations have been added. Stone Cold hosted Raw, CM Punk makes a little girl cry, Bret Hart shocks McMahon, and TNA Impact drew great terrible numbers last Monday night.

The beer was flowing and the "What!" chants were screamed Monday night while Stone Cold Steve Austin made his in-ring return. Austin sure knows how to deliver whenever he has a microphone in his hand. I was pleased with his guest host job but after Raw it left me wanting more. I know he doesn't want to get involved like he was in the past but all I wanted was one "SC Stunner" to Vince. I will say that the Rattlesnake looked in incredible shape but with more time on his hands to workout it's a given that he'd be really healthy. He didn't get involved anymore than most guest hosts which is fine. The host that everyone really wants these days is The Rock Dwayne Johnson anyways.

Last Friday night, on SmackDown, CM Punk took over the top heel role in WWE and he isn't in the main event. Rey Mysterio, everyone's tiny-person hero, was singing happy birthday to his daughter when Punk interrupted the ceremony to only make her cry. Punk wanted to beat down Rey in front of his family but Rey backed down and managed to put Punk over as a major bad guy. His dirty Jesus, but sober, gimmick is really getting major heat from the crowd and it's well deserved with his powerful performances on the mic as of late. Even when he loses, he manages to leave with people booing him. His talents are impeccable.

Bret Hart and Vinny McMahon signed the official contract for their match in 9 days. Also, the two men added a No Holds Barred stipulation to their bout. I'd rather see a Street Fight or No DQ but oh well. After both men's John Hancocks were inked in, Bret revealed that his broken leg was all a ploy. Apparently him and John Cena put on a fake car accident to only make Vince believe Hart was hurt. I had a feeling that Bret would admit to being okay but I was a little surprised at the fake accident angle. Well done by the creative staff on this one. Bret also said "Vince Screwed Vince" which was nicely done. Other than smacking the boss with his cast though, I would have preferred a nice sharpshooter in the middle of the ring to end Raw.

TNA's Impact scored an astonishing .8 rating while Raw received a viewer rating of 3.7. Impact had highlights such as Ric Flair making himself bleed because he's fucking crazy, Jeff Hardy paints his face to do promos, Scott Hall wears a TNA sweatshirt with the word "Wolfpack" written on it with a sharpie, and did I mention Ric Flair makes himself bleed? Let me think why they scored so low... because it's hard to watch. The words from a song by Cher "If I could turn back time!" is exactly what I would say about TNA at this point. Right before Hogan took over, TNA had an incredible cast and good story-lines to go along with it's nice average of 1.0 rating. Now you bring in the "big dogs" to run things and you score a terrible rating?!? Dixie, wake up sister!

Additional Slams!...

On Raw, Batista was cut open by Kofi Kingston. As the Animal bled from his forehead, the referee wanted to stop the match to allow him to get cleaned up. Batista must have told the ref not to worry as he demolished Kofi in the next 30 seconds and stood over him victorious. I have to give big props to Big Dave here for his ability to say "fuck you" to a WWE employee and end the match on his own rules. Along with many others, I am getting sick of these time-outs they take for the medical staff to clean up the superstars. It takes all the momentum away from the match.

The WWE also implicated a new rule in its wellness policy. No more head shots with steel chairs. Hitting someone with a chair to the skull will result in the same consiquences as getting caught smoking marijuana. This is absolute bullshit. I give Vince a lot of credit for what he does but things are going a little too far. We want blood and brutal chair shots! Why you a hater Vinny?!?

 Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!

Round Two? Don't Think So...

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

It's that time of week again where I recap and share thoughts on the pro wrestling business. ShowMiz has contenders for the tag titles, Monday Night Wars round II, Orton loses to his proteges, a No-DQ stipulation is added to a WrestleMania match, and next weeks Raw looks stacked. Let's get to it...

We have finally learned how Morrison and Miz will be used at Mania 26. Morrison gets a shot at his old tag team champion partner, The Miz, by teaming with the "Mr. What's Up?", Ron Killings R-Truth. Am I excited about this match? Nope. I'd rather see Morrison in the Money In The Bank match as would everyone else. The only thing positive that I see coming out of this is R-Truth and John Morrison win the tag title and end up getting drafted to separate shows. Now I know that the Unified Champs can compete on any show but maybe these two could find new partners and split the titles up like they should be.

Impact has moved to Monday nights and has managed to get even worse ratings than they were on Thursday nights. I'm not going to attempt to understand these low ratings. I'd rather give you a simple explaination; Hulk Hogan's ego. Hogan thinks he is the holy child, the savior, the chosen son of sports entertainment. That was true 15 years ago. The average fan doesn't want to watch a grandpa attempt to leg drop the best performer/talent on the TNA roster (AJ Styles). TNA was once great with a small fan base and amazing stars. When you start putting people like the Nasty Boys on tv, we turn it off. RVD makes an in-ring appearance for only 10 seconds, Jeff Hardy shows up after an eight week hiatus, and Sting turns heel. What a cluster fuck! If this continues, the WWE will only embarass their semi-competetors even more. I put trust in Eric Bischoff to make a few changes but as long as Hogan is pulling the strings; he's only going to give his "buddies" the right push. It's sad because I was just starting to respect TNA before this horrible epidemic started.

Randy Orton faced Priceless Legacy (Rhodes and DiBiase) in a handicap match on Raw. The crowd was cheering Randy the entire time but the heels prevailed. I'm still not sure where they're going with this whole angle but time is kinda running out. I can't think of anyone who would tag with Orton at this moment to face them at Mania, nor would I want them too. I hope Stone Cold has some ideas up his sleeve since Orton is becoming the same kind of fan favorite as the Rattlesnake was; one bad ass guy who people love to cheer for.

A no count-out/disqualification stipulation was added to the Undertaker (The Streak) vs Shawn Michaels (The Career) match at WrestleMania 26. I don't think this was needed but it does rule out any kind of funny finish. It does make me curious about outside interference. Even though HHH isn't in the main event for the first time in forever, could he show up and help HBK defeat the phenom? I never count out the Game when it comes to making sure the story revolves around him.

On the upcoming Raw, March 15th 2010, one of the greatest wrestlers of our time; Stone Cold Steve Austin will host the show. This will be EPIC! In addition to the Rattlesnake, we have the Bret Hart/Vince McMahon official contract signing. My only question is will he be able to chug beer and flip the bird since it's PG rated Raw now. Let's hope so.

Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!

Mania 26 Has Begun To Take Shape

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

After a one week hiatus, The Daily Slam is back with news and recaps from the wrestling/sports entertainment world. We are only 24 days away from the grand daddy show of them all... WrestleMania 26. Has the card fully taken shape? Is the streak vs career match a good idea? Does the Hart name have enough to draw the buy-rates McMahon is looking for? My thoughts on these topics and other news.

So far the main title matches have been announced. Batista vs Cena has been building to be a good heel champ vs fan favorite match. Their promo work alone has been really helping the Animal get over as the bad ass bad guy that I had hope'd he become. I envisioned this type of character 3 months ago and I'm glad they are giving him the time to reach this level. Batista said to Cena on Raw; "You keep on kissing babies and hugging fat girls!" That was an epic statement. The World Heavyweight Championship match with Edge vs Jericho has been in the making since Edge was injured. There really isn't any need to build up this feud since it's what everyone has wanted to see since the Rated R superstar won the Royal Rumble.

HBK vs Undertaker. Mr. WrestleMania vs The Deadman. The Career vs The Streak. This is round number two for these superstars and the ante has been raised. If Shawn Miaheals loses, he walks away from the WWE. If the Undertaker loses, his perfect Mania streak of 17-0 will be over and will make wrestling fans all over cry a little bit on the inside. I will elaborate a little more when I do my predictions but at this moment I just don't see HBK pulling out a win here. I could understand if it was an up and comer but why would you allow someone who's about done with the business ruin such a perfect thing? I think this match gimmick was poorly thought up. I would have preferred a Casket or a Hell in a Cell match then this concept. Michaels doens't need to end the streak to prove the world that he's still the Showstopper, we witnessed that a year ago. Let's hope Vince doesn't screw the Taker like he did to Bret.

That leads us to the Hart vs McMahon match that was announced this last Monday. We all knew Bret would be involved at WrestleMania in some capacity but I didn't honestly think it would be a straight up one on one match. Vince now wants Bret but only because the Hitman is in a cast. Will the cast be off in time for the big show or will this end up being a sad sight inside the ring. Let's hope Bret is somewhat pulling the strings to this story and doesn't allow McMahon to tarnish his legacy anymore. It has been over 12 years since the WWE has seen Bret in a pay per view so you would think this could draw huge numbers. The only problem is he isn't being shown as the main attraction of the show as others have been in the past such as Floyd Mayweather or Donald Trump. But it's enough for me to spend the money and I haven't ordered a ppv in 2 years so he hooked me in.

In other WWE news; the company has begun it's Spring cleaning a little early this year by releasing superstars such as Helms, Maria, Burchill, and Haas. I imagine that the Hurricane will find plenty of work in the Indy's until he finds a small role in RoH or TNA. Maria was destined to do more in life than the WWE, such as Celebrity Apprentice and probably follow on the Stacey Keibler path of hottness. Paul Burchill will bounce around but I see him going back of the sea and maybe defining his skills in Japan before getting another shot in the 'E. As for Haas, unfortunately his better wrestling days are behind him. Since the split of The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, he hasn't landed into anything but being a jobber. I think he goes home, spends time with the family, and becomes a successful car salesman. There is no shame in that my friend.

Additional Slams!...

It looks like Legacy is officially over. Orton is getting over huge with the crowd lately and it's helping him develop that bad guy fan favorite persona. It helps that he is being out numbered by Rhodes and Dibiase at the moment but can it continue after the feud is over? Also, these three have yet to be announced in a Mania match so you can only imagine all three will be in some sort of bout with each other.

Gail Kim was injured on Raw during the pillow fight divas match so it's a good thing Maryse is the current Divas Champion and not her. Let's hope she makes a quick recovery because the less I see Jillian, the better. Also, Eve won that match so maybe Vince will try to push her a little more in the ring. We haven't seen a whole lot of what she is capable and I for one am  interested in her potential.

Daniel Bryan lost his second match in the WWE NXT show on Tuesday. Let's not look too much into this. Vince knows he already has a future star with Bryan so the losses don't really hurt him. I have a feeling that this is leading towards a Miz vs Bryan match-up and Daniel will come out on top. Once the first season of NXT is over, the American Dragon should jump right into the U.S. title picture.

Finally, The ShowMiz has successfully defended their Unified Tag Titles a couple of times now an is proving to be a great pair. There is only one problem; who else is there to face? Well, I'm glad you asked because it looks as if there is a tag team match on SmackDown to determine the new #1 contenders. Spoiler Alert- Morrison & R-Truth! Could this be how they get Miz & Morrison involved at Mania? Hopefully.

Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin'!
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