Vince Screwed Vince

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

This is yours truly, Erickson, and I present to you another edition of The Daily Slam! Unlike other writers on this site, that I'd rather not mention because they know who they are, I am here to give you my recaps and thoughts within the pro wrestling biz on a regular basis. WrestleMania 26 is only 9 days away and the anticipation is kicking into high gear. It looks like all the matches have been announced and some stipulations have been added. Stone Cold hosted Raw, CM Punk makes a little girl cry, Bret Hart shocks McMahon, and TNA Impact drew great terrible numbers last Monday night.

The beer was flowing and the "What!" chants were screamed Monday night while Stone Cold Steve Austin made his in-ring return. Austin sure knows how to deliver whenever he has a microphone in his hand. I was pleased with his guest host job but after Raw it left me wanting more. I know he doesn't want to get involved like he was in the past but all I wanted was one "SC Stunner" to Vince. I will say that the Rattlesnake looked in incredible shape but with more time on his hands to workout it's a given that he'd be really healthy. He didn't get involved anymore than most guest hosts which is fine. The host that everyone really wants these days is The Rock Dwayne Johnson anyways.

Last Friday night, on SmackDown, CM Punk took over the top heel role in WWE and he isn't in the main event. Rey Mysterio, everyone's tiny-person hero, was singing happy birthday to his daughter when Punk interrupted the ceremony to only make her cry. Punk wanted to beat down Rey in front of his family but Rey backed down and managed to put Punk over as a major bad guy. His dirty Jesus, but sober, gimmick is really getting major heat from the crowd and it's well deserved with his powerful performances on the mic as of late. Even when he loses, he manages to leave with people booing him. His talents are impeccable.

Bret Hart and Vinny McMahon signed the official contract for their match in 9 days. Also, the two men added a No Holds Barred stipulation to their bout. I'd rather see a Street Fight or No DQ but oh well. After both men's John Hancocks were inked in, Bret revealed that his broken leg was all a ploy. Apparently him and John Cena put on a fake car accident to only make Vince believe Hart was hurt. I had a feeling that Bret would admit to being okay but I was a little surprised at the fake accident angle. Well done by the creative staff on this one. Bret also said "Vince Screwed Vince" which was nicely done. Other than smacking the boss with his cast though, I would have preferred a nice sharpshooter in the middle of the ring to end Raw.

TNA's Impact scored an astonishing .8 rating while Raw received a viewer rating of 3.7. Impact had highlights such as Ric Flair making himself bleed because he's fucking crazy, Jeff Hardy paints his face to do promos, Scott Hall wears a TNA sweatshirt with the word "Wolfpack" written on it with a sharpie, and did I mention Ric Flair makes himself bleed? Let me think why they scored so low... because it's hard to watch. The words from a song by Cher "If I could turn back time!" is exactly what I would say about TNA at this point. Right before Hogan took over, TNA had an incredible cast and good story-lines to go along with it's nice average of 1.0 rating. Now you bring in the "big dogs" to run things and you score a terrible rating?!? Dixie, wake up sister!

Additional Slams!...

On Raw, Batista was cut open by Kofi Kingston. As the Animal bled from his forehead, the referee wanted to stop the match to allow him to get cleaned up. Batista must have told the ref not to worry as he demolished Kofi in the next 30 seconds and stood over him victorious. I have to give big props to Big Dave here for his ability to say "fuck you" to a WWE employee and end the match on his own rules. Along with many others, I am getting sick of these time-outs they take for the medical staff to clean up the superstars. It takes all the momentum away from the match.

The WWE also implicated a new rule in its wellness policy. No more head shots with steel chairs. Hitting someone with a chair to the skull will result in the same consiquences as getting caught smoking marijuana. This is absolute bullshit. I give Vince a lot of credit for what he does but things are going a little too far. We want blood and brutal chair shots! Why you a hater Vinny?!?

 Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!


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