Wrestlemania Predictions

Triple H vs. Sheamus:
Can you just hand a wrestler a title and then he's a star without a gimmick(Kane), size(The Big Show), mad wrestling skills(Lesnar) and just pretty much make him stumble on the championship and portray it mostly as a fluke. This is the Sheamus experiment. If they want to make him a star he gets the win here if not the King of Kings reigns supreme in his first non title mania match since 17.
Winner: The one with the tan.

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio:
Will CM Punk come out victorious? Will Rey Jr. be forced to join the straight Edge Society? Will Luke Gallows ever grow back his hair? The answer to all these questions will be no. Rey will overcome the odds in what should be a really really good match.
Winner:The one in a mask

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase:
Will Rhodes and Dibiase be able to work together to take out Orton. I think this match will go somthing like this. Rhodes and Dibiase will have Orton at the point of defeat then Rhodes will turn on Dibiase they'll have at it for a few minutes till Orton regains his composer and everyone eats an Rko
Winner: The one who... stands out.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match:
winner: Christian

Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Miz and The Big Show vs. John Morrison and R-Truth: John Morrison and the Miz were my favourite tag team of the last 5 years. jerrishow was second. After Morrison and Miz broke up and didn't wrestle right away i though they were going to save the singles match between them for mania. However, they already had their one on one match at Bragging Rights which the Miz won. I think Morrison gets his revenge here leaving Miz and Big show to feud over the US title.
Winner: Morrison and Truth

No Holds Barred Match: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
This probably wont be the prettiest match on the card, but I'm sure they'll tell one hell of a story. I'm expecting interference by the hart dynasty for McMahon and DX for Hart. Anyway, the win is Brets.
Winner:The best there was, is or ever will be.

Career vs. Streak – Win By Pin or Submission Only: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
This is an interesting match. I don't see the streak ending but I don't see Shawn Micheals career ending even more. Part of me thinks that Shawn Micheals will win here and they'll have a rubber match at next years mania.
Winner: Mr.Wrestlemania

WWE Title Match: Batista vs. John Cena
When did batista learn to cut a promo? He has been excellent in the build up to this feud. At first I was a little annoyed this was going to be a title match but Batista changed my mind on that. Now I'm sad because i don't see him walking away with the title. Cena takes the win and the belt.*tear*
Winner: The annoying bland one

World Heavyweight Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
Is there anyone who didn't see this match coming? To be honest, I've been disappointed with this feud. You have two of the best promo wrestlers being out done by Cena and Batista. Still, this match should be better when they get to the ring. It is nice to see Jericho in the main event again and I think he wins it this time although it could go either way with Edge completely making his triumphant return and winning his first title as a face.
Winner: The last honest man. The best in the world at what he dose. Chris Jericho.


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