Round Two? Don't Think So...

Welcome to The Daily Slam!

It's that time of week again where I recap and share thoughts on the pro wrestling business. ShowMiz has contenders for the tag titles, Monday Night Wars round II, Orton loses to his proteges, a No-DQ stipulation is added to a WrestleMania match, and next weeks Raw looks stacked. Let's get to it...

We have finally learned how Morrison and Miz will be used at Mania 26. Morrison gets a shot at his old tag team champion partner, The Miz, by teaming with the "Mr. What's Up?", Ron Killings R-Truth. Am I excited about this match? Nope. I'd rather see Morrison in the Money In The Bank match as would everyone else. The only thing positive that I see coming out of this is R-Truth and John Morrison win the tag title and end up getting drafted to separate shows. Now I know that the Unified Champs can compete on any show but maybe these two could find new partners and split the titles up like they should be.

Impact has moved to Monday nights and has managed to get even worse ratings than they were on Thursday nights. I'm not going to attempt to understand these low ratings. I'd rather give you a simple explaination; Hulk Hogan's ego. Hogan thinks he is the holy child, the savior, the chosen son of sports entertainment. That was true 15 years ago. The average fan doesn't want to watch a grandpa attempt to leg drop the best performer/talent on the TNA roster (AJ Styles). TNA was once great with a small fan base and amazing stars. When you start putting people like the Nasty Boys on tv, we turn it off. RVD makes an in-ring appearance for only 10 seconds, Jeff Hardy shows up after an eight week hiatus, and Sting turns heel. What a cluster fuck! If this continues, the WWE will only embarass their semi-competetors even more. I put trust in Eric Bischoff to make a few changes but as long as Hogan is pulling the strings; he's only going to give his "buddies" the right push. It's sad because I was just starting to respect TNA before this horrible epidemic started.

Randy Orton faced Priceless Legacy (Rhodes and DiBiase) in a handicap match on Raw. The crowd was cheering Randy the entire time but the heels prevailed. I'm still not sure where they're going with this whole angle but time is kinda running out. I can't think of anyone who would tag with Orton at this moment to face them at Mania, nor would I want them too. I hope Stone Cold has some ideas up his sleeve since Orton is becoming the same kind of fan favorite as the Rattlesnake was; one bad ass guy who people love to cheer for.

A no count-out/disqualification stipulation was added to the Undertaker (The Streak) vs Shawn Michaels (The Career) match at WrestleMania 26. I don't think this was needed but it does rule out any kind of funny finish. It does make me curious about outside interference. Even though HHH isn't in the main event for the first time in forever, could he show up and help HBK defeat the phenom? I never count out the Game when it comes to making sure the story revolves around him.

On the upcoming Raw, March 15th 2010, one of the greatest wrestlers of our time; Stone Cold Steve Austin will host the show. This will be EPIC! In addition to the Rattlesnake, we have the Bret Hart/Vince McMahon official contract signing. My only question is will he be able to chug beer and flip the bird since it's PG rated Raw now. Let's hope so.

Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!


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