WrestleMania 26 Predictions

WrestleMania. It's the pay per view that wrestlers/superstars strive to showcase on. It's the one show that the fans look forward to every year. There is a reason this one show is known around the world as the "Grandest Stage of them All". WrestleMania is that one place that sports entertainers put on their best performances that they are capable of doing. These are my predictions for WrestleMania 26.

* Triple H vs. Sheamus
This match features the favorite veteran vs the heel rookie with a fast start in the business. Sheamus has only had one other big one-on-one match in his short lived career. That other match featured Cena, whom he defeated for the title. This match is supposedly  the make or break in Sheamus' career. I highly doubt that since HHH has hand picked the young man to be the future. I can see Triple H putting over the Irish pale face superstar to prove that Hunter knows talent when he sees it.
Winner- Sheamus

* CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
These two have been putting on great promo's as of late and are not getting enough credibility for it on WWE television. Punk has solidified himself as the great heel of the WWE but the problem is he is facing the one superstar that everyone cheers for no matter what. Rey looks like an underdog here since the Straight Edge Society will be in Punk's corner which mean he is my favorite to win.
Winner- Rey Mysterio

*Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase
This is one match I am looking forward to but also highly disappointed. The deconstruction of Legacy should have been so much more of a story but it has been watered down due to its timing. There are so many other huge story-lines going on right now that people are kind of over looking this match. I won't be surprised if these three manage to tear the roof down. Hopefully they give them enough time to put on a good story. Orton's fan base is growing faster than Kristie Alley's waist band during Christmas dinner. A win by either Rhodes or DiBiase could help jump them to the next level and even continue a feud with Orton. In the past, I like to pick Orton when he gets beat down weeks before his big matches.
Winner- Randy Orton

* Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston
One thought comes to mind about this match; cluster-fuck. Having ten wrestlers going for one briefcase is ridiculous. There will be some breathtaking moments, that's a guarantee with Shelton and Christian involved, but there will also be some miscommunication leading to minor injuries I predict.The hard part is trying to think of who will prevail. Christian has to be the favorite because he was top champion only a few weeks ago. Kofi is just on the outside of the main event, but you could make a case for Swagger, MVP, and even Kane.
Winner- Christian

* Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Miz and The Big Show vs. John Morrison and R-Truth
ShoMiz needed competition for their titles. This is why we have the pairing of Morrison and Truth. I don't see Miz losing any gold any time soon. Unless Daniel Bryan gets involved some way, there is no reason for them to lose.
Winner- ShowMiz

* No Holds Barred Match: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
The match that has me most excited for. My favorite wrestler of all time against the big bad CEO. With Hart's health conditions, don't expect to see to much offensively. Vince will beat him down most of the time until Bret is able to lock him up in the shapshooter. Bret screws Vince.
Winner- Bret "The Hitman" Hart 

* Career vs. Streak – Win By Pin or Submission Only: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
The match that stole the show last year... round two. There will be plenty of reversals and near falls. As a fan of wrestling, records are respected but also made to be broken. I'd hate to see the Undertaker lose at Mania and his beloved streak end. Taker is about to retire so maybe he feels okay with HBK beating him out of mutual respect. I hope the streak lives on but I have a bad feeling about not picking the one they call "Mr. WrestleMania".
Winner- Shawn Michaels 

* WWE Title Match: Batista vs. John Cena
I can't even to begin at how impressed I am with Batista's work over the last four weeks. At first I figured these two would be involved in the Hart/McMahon feud but now with the title being the main focus makes it more rewarding. The match has all the perfect ingredients for a great story to be told inside the four corners. You have the "face" of the WWE vs the "jealous" powerhouse champion. Hopefully Batista can walk away the champion along with a long title reign to give his heel gimmick some serious credibility in the history books. Unfortunately, this is WrestleMania and sometimes the good guy must prevail to send the fans home happy. This match doesn't have a No DQ stipulation so I can also see the Animal getting himself disqualified to retain the title and allow a rematch at Extreme Rules (the next pay per view).
Winner- Dave "The Animal" Batista 

* World Heavy-Weight Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
The match that has been set for the past 6 months has finally arrived. You have former tag team champions squaring off against each other on the big stage. Edge, the Royal Rumble winner, has a lot of momentum coming into this bout versus the current champ who is rightfully the "best in the world at what he does", so he says and I can't argue with that. This match should be nothing short of great technical wrestling but unfortunately it will be over looked by the fans due to its poor build-up. If the MITB winner would cash in at the end or even in the middle of the match, it could be put over as the top match on the card, but I highly doubt that event will take place. Both men have a argumentative/ legitimate shot at walking out of Mania with the WCW World Heavy-Weight Championship. The 2nd toughest choice on the card (Taker/Shawn). Edge losing to Chris would look worse than vice-versa.
Winner- "The Ultimate Opportunist" Edge

Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin!


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