Mania 26 Has Begun To Take Shape

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After a one week hiatus, The Daily Slam is back with news and recaps from the wrestling/sports entertainment world. We are only 24 days away from the grand daddy show of them all... WrestleMania 26. Has the card fully taken shape? Is the streak vs career match a good idea? Does the Hart name have enough to draw the buy-rates McMahon is looking for? My thoughts on these topics and other news.

So far the main title matches have been announced. Batista vs Cena has been building to be a good heel champ vs fan favorite match. Their promo work alone has been really helping the Animal get over as the bad ass bad guy that I had hope'd he become. I envisioned this type of character 3 months ago and I'm glad they are giving him the time to reach this level. Batista said to Cena on Raw; "You keep on kissing babies and hugging fat girls!" That was an epic statement. The World Heavyweight Championship match with Edge vs Jericho has been in the making since Edge was injured. There really isn't any need to build up this feud since it's what everyone has wanted to see since the Rated R superstar won the Royal Rumble.

HBK vs Undertaker. Mr. WrestleMania vs The Deadman. The Career vs The Streak. This is round number two for these superstars and the ante has been raised. If Shawn Miaheals loses, he walks away from the WWE. If the Undertaker loses, his perfect Mania streak of 17-0 will be over and will make wrestling fans all over cry a little bit on the inside. I will elaborate a little more when I do my predictions but at this moment I just don't see HBK pulling out a win here. I could understand if it was an up and comer but why would you allow someone who's about done with the business ruin such a perfect thing? I think this match gimmick was poorly thought up. I would have preferred a Casket or a Hell in a Cell match then this concept. Michaels doens't need to end the streak to prove the world that he's still the Showstopper, we witnessed that a year ago. Let's hope Vince doesn't screw the Taker like he did to Bret.

That leads us to the Hart vs McMahon match that was announced this last Monday. We all knew Bret would be involved at WrestleMania in some capacity but I didn't honestly think it would be a straight up one on one match. Vince now wants Bret but only because the Hitman is in a cast. Will the cast be off in time for the big show or will this end up being a sad sight inside the ring. Let's hope Bret is somewhat pulling the strings to this story and doesn't allow McMahon to tarnish his legacy anymore. It has been over 12 years since the WWE has seen Bret in a pay per view so you would think this could draw huge numbers. The only problem is he isn't being shown as the main attraction of the show as others have been in the past such as Floyd Mayweather or Donald Trump. But it's enough for me to spend the money and I haven't ordered a ppv in 2 years so he hooked me in.

In other WWE news; the company has begun it's Spring cleaning a little early this year by releasing superstars such as Helms, Maria, Burchill, and Haas. I imagine that the Hurricane will find plenty of work in the Indy's until he finds a small role in RoH or TNA. Maria was destined to do more in life than the WWE, such as Celebrity Apprentice and probably follow on the Stacey Keibler path of hottness. Paul Burchill will bounce around but I see him going back of the sea and maybe defining his skills in Japan before getting another shot in the 'E. As for Haas, unfortunately his better wrestling days are behind him. Since the split of The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, he hasn't landed into anything but being a jobber. I think he goes home, spends time with the family, and becomes a successful car salesman. There is no shame in that my friend.

Additional Slams!...

It looks like Legacy is officially over. Orton is getting over huge with the crowd lately and it's helping him develop that bad guy fan favorite persona. It helps that he is being out numbered by Rhodes and Dibiase at the moment but can it continue after the feud is over? Also, these three have yet to be announced in a Mania match so you can only imagine all three will be in some sort of bout with each other.

Gail Kim was injured on Raw during the pillow fight divas match so it's a good thing Maryse is the current Divas Champion and not her. Let's hope she makes a quick recovery because the less I see Jillian, the better. Also, Eve won that match so maybe Vince will try to push her a little more in the ring. We haven't seen a whole lot of what she is capable and I for one am  interested in her potential.

Daniel Bryan lost his second match in the WWE NXT show on Tuesday. Let's not look too much into this. Vince knows he already has a future star with Bryan so the losses don't really hurt him. I have a feeling that this is leading towards a Miz vs Bryan match-up and Daniel will come out on top. Once the first season of NXT is over, the American Dragon should jump right into the U.S. title picture.

Finally, The ShowMiz has successfully defended their Unified Tag Titles a couple of times now an is proving to be a great pair. There is only one problem; who else is there to face? Well, I'm glad you asked because it looks as if there is a tag team match on SmackDown to determine the new #1 contenders. Spoiler Alert- Morrison & R-Truth! Could this be how they get Miz & Morrison involved at Mania? Hopefully.

Until Next Time... I'm Just Sayin'!


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