Another Rematch?

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Ladies and gentleman, we present to you match number 237 between Orton and Cena. I would imagine that number is probably about accurate right about now. This time they up'd the ante though. Of course they had to have another gimmick match but this one I actually like. The 'I Quit' match served its purpose to show how superior Cena can be, but then to have a 'Hell in a Cell' match was a waste of time. The match with steel walls all around the ring is to end long lived feuds, not prolong them. But an 'Iron Man' match (a match which concludes with the winner being whomever has the most pin-falls or submissions at the end of 60 minutes) sounds like the perfect way to put this all to rest. The stipulations make it even more intriguing. If Randy orton wins then Cena must leave Raw and head to Smackdown or ECW (but we all know that he's never going be in the land of the extreme and moronic to even consider it). If Cena wins Orton doesn't get anymore title rematches.

I think JC could boost the ratings on the blue brand and could have some good matches with CM Punk and Chris Jericho down the road. I also don't want another Cena/Orton main event so I'm sad to say that if Orton loses the belt I won't be too pissed about it. Orton needs to refocus on the current dismantling of Legacy so maybe some time away from the title picture could bring this group back to dominance. This could even begin a good storyline of Ted leaving the group and challenging his current mentor. Spoiler Alert- DiBiase's movie, Marine 2, comes out at end of December and does WWE really want to endorse a heel as a movie star? Not likely. Having Legacy break-up their once tightly bonded bromance could mean huge matches between Rhodes/ DiBiase against Orton. If the 'Viper' knows how to do one thing, that's putting other wrestlers over and giving them credibility.

So to conclude, I have to say the outcome of this 'Iron Man' match has it's positives with either result. Does Cena head to SD to liven things up? Or could this mean Orton had to start feuding with other wrestlers in non-title matches? Either way, this is what the company needs. It's time to see some fresh faces in the ppv main event. Let's just hope HHH doesn't want the title back any time soon.

Until Next Time...


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